Wednesday 26 December 2018

Top 3 Benefits of Massage in Relationships

Benefits of Massage in Relationships

Targeted massage can reduce stress, eliminate pain, and soothe muscle tension. In fact, certain types of massage are widely considered parts of integrative and/or alternative medicine. A good kneading makes most people feel comforted, cared for, and connected to another person. In a disconnected world, we need all the help we can get.

3 Ways massage directly affects your relationship

A good massage can help alleviate pain, stress and joint stiffness without medication.

This makes it easier to engage in the things you truly enjoy, such as physical intimacy with your partner without suffering through the side effects of some pharmaceuticals.

Furthermore, targeted massage provides the following health benefits which, interestingly enough, directly affect a person’s ability to maintain a relationship:

  • It induces relaxation
  • It lowers blood pressure
  • It helps regulate sleep patterns

As most would agree, three common causes of modern-day relationship problems are:

  • Sleep deprivation
  • Anxiety or tension
  • Unmanaged stress

As it turns out, healthy people tend to sustain longer, healthier unions. So, not only is massage beneficial to your health but it may also be advantageous to your relationship.

How health and happiness are related

There’s a direct correlation between health and happiness, creating a much clearer line between massage and relationships. Those who participate in or receive a massage often enjoy better fitness and contentment overall. Therefore, relationship dynamics are significantly improved as a result of a more optimally functioning individual.

People who regularly enjoy a massage by a chiropractor usually exhibit the following characteristics due to the built-in benefits thereof:

1. They have more productive sleep at night, which:

  • Causes them to have fewer mood swings
  • Makes their memories clearer and more vivid
  • Drastically improves their basic cognitive function
  • Strengthens their immunities
  • Gives them more energy for the things they love

2. They have lower blood pressure, which:

  • Makes it easier to enjoy strenuous physical activity
  • Lowers their risk of heart attack and stroke
  • Enhances erections, orgasm, and stamina
  • Broadens their dietary options
  • Helps them lose weight

3. They have less oxidative stress, which:

  • Allows them to get into a relaxed state more easily
  • Aids with conflict resolution
  • Significantly boosts libido
  • Helps improve their appearance

Interestingly, a study at Stanford University’s Sleep Medicine Center showed that stressed out, sleep deprived people reported more problems in the bedroom than those who were relaxed and well rested. Unfortunately, a lack of physical intimacy between couples can lead to disaster.

Making the connection: What is chiropractic massage?

Although they are not medical doctors, any chiropractor will tell you that good health and satisfying physical intimacy start with self-care and consideration for your partner’s wellbeing. By participating in a couple’s chiropractic massage, both individuals benefit and both are thus more willing and able to engage their partner in a productive and encouraging way.

Chiropractic massage uses a series of gentle yet effective therapy and relaxation techniques to achieve a predetermined goal. Much like the physical intimacy within your relationship, licensed chiropractors will never do anything to make you or your partner feel uncomfortable or experience pain.

Chiropractors provide hands-on therapy to patients for a variety of health and intimacy-related issues, from sleep irregularities, muscle tension and high blood pressure to pinched nerves, severe pain, and headaches.

10 Ways chiropractic massage helps intimacy

The reasons chiropractic massage improves a person’s health (and subsequently enhances their relationship) are simple:

  1. It speeds up recovery from sprains and injuries
  2. It broadens the patient’s range of motion
  3. It treats muscular and musculoskeletal pain
  4. It uses gentle yet effective rehabilitative exercises and pressure points, as opposed to potentially harmful and sometimes unsuccessful medications
  5. It can alleviate pain and anxiety almost immediately, with results typically noticed within 12 to 48 hours of the appointment
  6. It’s a fun and relaxing activity to do with a partner
  7. It helps soothe headaches and nausea
  8. It’s generally more affordable than a traditional doctor’s visit and insurance sometimes covers the appointment
  9. It typically requires no major adjustments to lifestyle or routine
  10. It improves mood, balances hormones, and helps the patient manage future stress for diplomatically

All side effects of chiropractic massage are intimately tied to the quality of your relationship, but they will only work as intended if you:

  • Make an appointment with a skilled and licensed chiropractor
  • Know what to expect during the massage
  • Understand the results are usually not permanent

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