Monday 18 March 2019

10 Ways on How to Express Love

10 Ways on How to Express Love

‘I Love You’. These are three magical words that mean a lot.

The lives of both the individuals, who say it and to whom they say it, changes forever post this. However, things never end here, instead a new chapter starts.

To love someone doesn’t mean to just say these three words. To express love is actually to prove it with your every action that you mean those words.

Often people think that those three magical words suffice and they ignore their actions. Never let your significant other get a wrong signal that you never meant those words.

Here are some amazing ways and actions that tell you how to express love than to just say them 

1. Understand them

We all want someone who can understand us better than us.

Someone who can read our eyes and listen to our silence. It’s quite difficult to find the ‘one’ with such compatibility. Nonetheless, if you’ve spend quite a good amount of time together, you already understand your partner.

It’s about time you let them know that and express love. It gives a sense a satisfaction to your partner when they know no matter what, you will always understand them. 

2. Listen to them

Wondering how to express love to your partner?

Offer them your ears. In love or relationship, it is never about me. It is always us. Like you want your partner to listen to you and they also wish for the same. They may have a lot to say and share with you.

No matter how busy or occupied you’re, if you spend some time just listening to what they have to say, things will be fine and great. It’s all the matter of ears. 

3. Be affectionate

We all are humans and we do respond well to affection and emotion.

At the end of an either tough or just a normal day, when you shower affection to your partner, you uplift their mood. They come home everyday to be with you. They crave for your love and affection. Be affectionate to them and let them know that you stand by them. This is one of the most lucid ways to express love. 

4. Stand with them in good and in bad

There are a lot of people who would stand next to you in good but during bad you would expect at least your closed ones to be with you.

To love your partner means to be with them in good and in bad. In ‘He’s Just Not That Into You’ Beth and Neil had an argument and he left the apartment. However, when he heard that Beth’s dad had a heart attack, he visited her to support her. Such kind of gestures show that you really mean every word you said. 

5. Comfortable life


10 Ways on How to Express Love

When you’re in love all you want to do is to provide comfort to your partner.

This could be from listening to their wishes and trying to fulfil them as much as you can. Offering them a good lifestyle and taking care of their needs is one of the answers to the question, how to express love.

These small gestures show how much you love and care for them. After all, we don’t pay attention to anyone else’s requirement, do we? 

6. Spend quality time

Apart from offering tangible or materialistic comfort, you should also give them intangible happiness by spending some quality time with them

Not spending enough time is one of the major reasons for breakup. It is understood that you’re sometimes preoccupied with a lot of work and might not be able to spend a lot of time with them.

However, whenever you get time or you’re with them, just be with them. Don’t take any work calls or check your work emails. Go out on a romantic date every now and then. Just spend time watching a favorite movie on a Sunday afternoon. These things matter in a relationship. 

7. Share your secrets

It’s not easy to trust someone; and when you do, don’t hide it.

It’s a known fact that you would share your secrets with someone you deeply love and trust. If you’re among those couples who say that they love each other yet don’t share each other’s secrets or whereabouts then the word love sounds shallow.

It might not be easy and quick to share secrets, but do it when you’re comfortable. This gesture will show that you truly love your partner and trust them with your life. This openness is one of the ways to express love. 

8. Mutual respect of opinion

Just because you both are in love doesn’t mean that you should agree to each and everything in the world.

There will be disagreements and arguments as well. Never let this disagreement or arguments put a negative impact on your love for each other. The secret to a successful relationship is to respect each other’s opinions.

So, when you’re saying you love them, show it through this gesture as well. 

9. Learn the art of forgiveness

How to express love? Learn the art of forgiveness.

It’s easy to say but difficult to act to. We are not taught the art of forgiveness hence we lack this quality. No human is perfect. We all make mistakes, big or small. However, if you’re truly in love with your partner, you should learn to forgive their mistakes.

Instead, help them evolve with every mistake. As a partner it is your responsibility to ensure that they become a better person. 

10. Make love

We can never rule out the importance of sex in a relationship. No matter what, the physical connection strengthens the relationship.

So, make love and express how you love them. Don’t forget to respect each other even when you’re having sex. Understand your partner’s comfort and act accordingly. All the aforementioned points do extend to the bed as well.

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