Friday 29 November 2019

Youtube Tools to boost your views and grow your channel

Affiliate disclosure to comply with the FTC Guidelines. This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you make a purchase through a link. That is the best way to thank me for buying through our link. Thank you.  By Marcus Ho YouTube Tools With more than 2 billion logged-in users every month, YouTube is … Youtube Tools to boost your views and grow your channel weiterlesen

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from Denis Doan

Thursday 28 November 2019

Coping with Holiday Blues: Ten Proven Strategies

Thanksgiving is here.  Then Christmas and Hanukkah.  Are you doomed to a miserable holiday if your relatives drive you crazy?  What if you are just introducing your family to a serious date, someone who could be the One?  Does your mom always cluck about what a shame it is that you are still single?   Even if…

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from Love in 90 Days

How to Avoid Losing Yourself in a Relationship and Still Keep Your Wife Happy

How to Avoid Losing Yourself in a Relationship and Still Keep Your Wife Happy

Marriage is an integral stage in any man’s life. Marriage can either be amusing or sour, depending on the choices people make. But, you must definitely try not losing yourself in a relationship.

In the first few months of marriage, the marriage is full of happiness, love, and all you want is to spend the rest of your life with your partner. As the marriage progresses, things start changing quarrels become frequent, love begins to fade, and you start feeling that you and your partner are growing apart.

What could have gone wrong and what are the signs you’re losing yourself in a relationship?

This question remains a mystery to men, and that’s why the rate of divorce is getting higher and higher. It’s because many men do not know signals that their marriage is in danger and how to not lose yourself in marriage.

If you have been wondering how to rekindle a relationship or how you can save your marriage, the following are the dos and don’ts to follow. If you are fearing losing yourself in a relationship, read along to get some essential tips, especially applicable to men.

Dos in a marriage

Love the one you married unconditionally

You should always love the person you married and not the partner you expect her to become. Once you place the ring on her finger, you committed yourself to her, irrespective of her behavior or weaknesses.

Any issue with your partner’s habits should have been discussed before marriage. You should love your spouse with her shortcomings and try to make them her strengths instead.

By doing this, she will be more than willing to change her bad behavior so that she can reciprocate your love for her. It will make your marriage thrive well.

View your marriage as a longtime engagement

Many men take marriage as a stage of life that needs to be passed. If you are one of them, then you are so wrong.

Marriage should be a lifelong commitment meaning you are ready to do anything to ensure that you end up spending the rest of your life with the one you chose.

Even in the darkest time, it should be your obligation to make it a habit of remembering that you should take the vows you made seriously. It all starts in mind, and if you have made it clear in your mind that your marriage will last a lifetime, then you will be more committed to ensuring it is long-lasting.

Put your disputes in the context

No marriage lacks significant issues and small issues. What defines an enjoyable and successful marriage is the ability to differentiate the two. This will help you to avoid making a big problem from a small one.

You should realistically study the issue and observe how it is impacting you and your spouse. You should also take into consideration the long term outcome and the worst scenarios.

Always solve the more significant problems immediately and later focus on the smaller ones. This will help in preventing unnecessary arguments and fights that might break your marriage.

If you want to avoid getting lost in marriage, always know about handling your problems with your spouse.

Communicate frequently

Communication is the most vital tool in any relationship. The first step in achieving a productive conversation is to embrace it other than seeing it as a duty that you must perform.

Almost every marriage has been destroyed due to a lack of communication or poor communication.

Many men are inconsiderate when it comes to communication because they want to win every argument due to their insecurities. Sometimes people find themselves fighting because of something that could have been prevented by proper communication.

To make your marriage flourish, you should listen and lovingly speak to your spouse when solving disputes.

Be faithful and forgiving

If there is something that women do not recover from is unfaithfulness. Once you cheat on her, the marriage will undoubtedly break.

To avoid this, all that is required is proper communication. Try to know your spouse’s desires and be honest about your issues, the cause of stress, and want of cheating on her.

In marriage, you should also not be quick in making a harsh decision on small things. You should learn the act of forgiving and giving your spouse a second chance. This will help to nourish and save your marriage.

Don’ts in a marriage

The following are what men should not do to avoid getting lost in marriage.

Don’t deny sex to your partner

Don’t deny sex to your partner

Who doesn’t know that  ​sex is a crucial tool in marriage, and it rejuvenates the marriage. In some cases, some marriages have broken due to sexual dissatisfaction or sexual abuse.

In most cases, many men withhold sex because of fights or misunderstanding. They find themselves not able to stand to be in the same room with their partner. They do these not for days or weeks but months.

Fighting in marriage is normal, but you should not take it too far. Using sex as a weapon to get back at your partner is dangerous in any marriage. This will make the woman to be hurt emotionally and make her love and affection for you to fade away.

Don’t be self-centered

This may be brought up in many different ways, including sharing things and a lack of understanding. Many men show their selfish acts by spending more time with their buddies than their spouse.

Before marriage, many men are used to spending a lot of their time with their friends. Be it going to clubs for a drink or watching football matches. Things are different when you get married.

The best way to deal with this issue is to treat your partner like a buddy and include her in your activities with your friends. This will prevent her from feeling that she is less important and unwanted.

Don’t lie

Who doesn’t hate people who lie to them? The same thing happens to your spouse when you lie to them. They start hating you instead of loving you, and their trust for you fades.

Lies come in different forms. You might lie to her of where you are going out, or you might hide essential things like finances from her. When she comes to find out the truth, that’s when things fall apart.

Lies will make her never to trust what you say even if you are telling her the truth. She will also start reciprocating the same and start lying to you and having secrets.

When this happens, there is no repair to it. It will eventually lead to a broken marriage. To ensure a successful marriage always be honest with your spouse and avoid keeping secrets from her.

Don’t be entirely independent

Being independent is a good thing as a man. However, in marriage, you should not be overly independent. You should abstain from the attitude that you don’t need their help since you are the man.

A real man will involve his spouse in his problems and ask her for help when he is stuck. When you face any challenge, she should be the first one to run to for help.

This will make her feel that they are a part of your life and that you are grateful she is a part of your life. By doing this, you will ​make your marriage healthierand the bond for each other stronger.

Don’t become abusive

A bad temper is the root of anger, which makes many men abusive. Loss of temper is common in many marriages, but it destroys marriages when it becomes habitual.

They are different forms of abuse, including emotional, physical, or verbal, and none is acceptable. It doesn’t matter how angry you are or disappointed you are, but abuse is never the way to solve things.

This is the primary cause of divorce in today’s world. Women demand that you respect them and show them, love, even when correcting their mistakes.


In conclusion, many pitfalls may lead to an unhealthy marriage but can be avoided by making the right choices. Make an effort to rebuild your marriage by changing these bad behaviors.

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Different Parenting Styles and Their Effect on Children

Different Parenting Styles and Their Effect on Children

A parenting style is a psychological practice adopted by the parents of children. It is comprised of the types of child discipline strategies that a parent uses.

There are different parenting styles incorporated by the people which is dependent on a lot of factors.

You might be wondering how different parenting styles affect a child’s upbringing.

Basically, these different parenting styles are well known to have a life-long impact on children. Typically, we get to observe the four types of parenting styles, which are discussed below.

Diana Baumrind’s parenting styles

Diana Baumrind is a researcher known for her look into parenting styles and their

effects on children. She has divided parenting styles into two dimensions of parenting.

  1. Parental responsiveness – a parenting style in which the parent responds to the needs of a child
  2. Parental demandingness – a parenting style in which the parent expects a child to be more responsible and mature In addition to these two dimensions, Baumrind has identified four different parenting styles/ psychology.

Authoritarian parenting style

Parents who use this style of parenting might be heard saying, “Children should be seen and not heard.”

These parents have low responsiveness and high demandingness. Their focus is on obedience and enforcing rules and giving out punishments for breaking those rules.

They often do not take the child’s feelings into consideration. Instead of teaching a child why something is wrong, they focus more on disciplining such mistakes.

Children of authoritarian parents are more likely to develop problems with self-esteem due to the low value of their opinion.

Children raised in an authoritarian parenting style may also become aggressive or hostile because they mirror their parent’s behavior. They may also become good liars in an effort to avoid punishment.

Authoritative parenting style

Not to be confused with authoritarian parenting, authoritative parenting style takes the child’s feelings into consideration. They have both high responsiveness and high demandingness.

Authoritative parents explain the reasons behind the rules. They still make it clear that the adults are in charge, but instead of punishments, they often rely on rewarding good behavior to raise their children.

Children who are raised by authoritative parents often grow into adulthood as responsible adults who have no fear of expressing their opinions.

They are better at making decisions and evaluating risks on their own.

Permissive parenting

Permissive parenting

This type of parenting style is very lenient. It is a style of high responsiveness and low demandingness. While parents may set rules, they rarely enforce them.

Parents with this style will often only step in if there is a serious problem. They often adopt an attitude of letting kids be kids. They often take on more of a friend role than a parenting role.

Parents using this technique often don’t put much effort into discouraging poor decisions or bad behavior in their children.

Children raised with this type of parenting style are more likely to experience struggles when it comes to academics. They sometimes exhibit more behavioral problems and often have issues with authority and rules.

They often have low self-esteem due to a lack of boundaries and may report frequent feelings of sadness.

Uninvolved parenting

Out of the four different parenting styles, this style is a combination of low demandingness and responsiveness.

Parents with this parenting style tend not to have many rules. They may not give the child much guidance, nurturing, or parental attention. They tend to expect children to raise themselves, devoting little time or energy to meet a child’s basic needs.

The uninvolved parent is not always intentionally uninvolved. Physical or mental health issues or simply the stresses of maintaining a job and a household may lead to this style of parenting.

Like the children of permissive parents, children of uninvolved parents tend to struggle with self-esteem issues and report high levels of unhappiness. 

They also tend to perform poorly in school. Children of parents who use the uninvolved parenting style also tend to have higher instances of substance abuse.

An example of their use: Teens and Vaping

One worry of parents these days is the rise of vaping among teens. Recently, there has been a scare involving teens and adults getting sick due to vaping cartridges.

Though the Food and Drug Administration has linked the illness to black-market cartridges for vape pens and vape juice containing vitamin E oil, parents should be concerned about teen vaping.

How would the different parenting styles work to address this problem with their children?

Let’s take the permissive and uninvolved versions first. Since both of these have low demandingness, they likely would not have a problem with teen vaping unless their children came to them with a problem.

The permissive parent might set some rules because they want to respond to needs, but the uninvolved parent wouldn’t care. In essence, they throw the responsibility onto the teen to make the decisions.

Although it may be tempting to take an authoritarian stance on vaping, research shows that the authoritative parenting style may be more successful. Yes, there are negative consequences, but taking a hard stance might make a teen hide their habit or fight back.

An authoritative parent would explain that many teens become addicted to nicotine and are more likely to try analog cigarettes, as well as the health effects of nicotine over time.

From these examples, you can see that out of the different parenting styles, the best style requires a lot of work both to enforce rules and to understand a child’s needs for guidance.

Still, it can take time to overcome the parenting habits we were taught by our parents. That’s the pattern we most often default toward.

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How to Go About Selling a House After Divorce Agreement

How to Go About Selling a House After Divorce Agreement

When a couple separates, one of the biggest issues to deal with is selling a house after a divorce agreement.

Once arrangements for the futures of any children and other dependents have been finalized, the major problems to be tackled are what to do with your house in a divorce and how to go about divorce and splitting assets at the same time.

The marital home is usually the biggest asset shared between a couple. Sometimes, one party chooses to stay put and ‘buy out’ their former partner’s share.

This is a common solution when children are involved, who would benefit from the stability of staying in their familiar home.

Alternatively, another solution is to sell the property, pay off any mortgage or other debts secured on it and divide the profits to help both parties buy or rent a new place to live elsewhere.

This sale can happen quite quickly after a divorce to facilitate a fresh start, or it can take place a while afterward, for example when the children turn eighteen, or after an agreed event or period of time.

There is also a way to defer the sale of a house or flat in court until one partner dies or remarries. This is known as a Martin order.

If you cannot agree on what to do, a solicitor will be able to talk you through your options and help you come to a mutually acceptable resolution regarding property distribution after divorce.

Who owns what

The decision about who gets to keep the house, or make the final decision as to whether to sell it depends on many things and will differ from couple to couple.

For instance, the ownership of the house or flat can be in one person’s name only, especially if they came into the marriage already owning it.

However, this doesn’t automatically mean that they will get full ownership of the property after a divorce. A court will take many things into account to decide on the most equitable resolution regarding the divorce property division.

If your name is not on the title deeds, you can register your interest in the property with the Land Registry, using a matrimonial home rights notice. 

It is very important to know your rights and where you stand regarding property ownership, mortgage arrangements and ability to sell while selling a house after divorce agreement.

Rights around ownership are protected by law to stop one partner forcing the other to leave the home against their will, selling the home without the other’s knowledge or transferring any mortgages or loans without permission.

The Family Law Act of 1996 gives named homeowners the right to stay in their home until everything is settled, unless a court order specifically excludes them, as well as to be notified of any repossession activity being undertaken by your mortgage provider, enable a court to allow a return to the home if you have left it and help avoid repossession if the other party stops paying their share of the mortgage.

Selling a house after divorce agreement

Selling a house after divorce agreement

There are many ways you can expedite the sale of a former matrimonial home after divorce. An estate agent will work on your behalf to market the property and attract interest, viewings, and offers.

This may take three to six months to achieve, or even longer, but it has the added advantage of your estate agent knowing how to market your property and show it off to its best advantage, as well as being able to handle the entire sale from start to finish.

Your property solicitor will also be crucial support for selling a house after a divorce agreement.

They can advise you on your legal rights and responsibilities, help you complete all the red tape involved in the sale of the property and offer you guidance on what steps to take next to secure your next house or flat.

You can sell your house after divorce at auction too, either using an estate agent or acting on your own behalf. This can help increase the price, especially if two or more bidders are interested and bid against each other.

Thereby, this can result in a quicker sale; however, you will need to pay a percentage of your eventual selling price to the auctioneer.

Above all, coming away from selling a house after divorce agreement, however, you choose to run it, with enough profits to ensure the ongoing security of any children from the partnership is the most important consideration.

A court will place this requirement at the very top of the priority list and take it very seriously indeed.

The ideal situation would be to provide both former spouses with enough money for each to buy or rent a property to live in, but this will always come second to the welfare of children involved.

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Tuesday 26 November 2019

Family Holiday Survival Toolbox

Rich Dad Poor Dad Summary

Rich Dad Poor Dad Summary A little bit of preface from my side. Since I graduated from University, I haven’t read any books anymore. Somehow, I’m too lazy for that. It takes so much time. Some books have even thousands of pages. How long does it take to read it? Weeks? Months? Or even years? … Rich Dad Poor Dad Summary weiterlesen

The post Rich Dad Poor Dad Summary appeared first on Denis Doan .

from Denis Doan

Monday 25 November 2019

When Things Feel Sideways

How to Find Gratitude When You’re Just Not Feeling It…

When it comes to gratitude… We all know that we just feel better and are happier when we can have a grateful attitude toward life but… How to you find gratitude when you’re just not feeling it? The answer is–you can’t. You can’t find, see …

How to Find Gratitude When You’re Just Not Feeling It… Read More »

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Get Sexy and Naughty: 5 Easy Tips for You to Be Better in Bed

Get Sexy and Naughty 5 Easy Tips for You to Be Better in Bed

Are you wondering, about how to better in bed? Then, look no further.

You are just in the right place, where you will be getting some valuable insights on how to have the best sex ever.

Making your partner feel ungratified with your performance in bed is definitely embarrassing. And not being able to deliver the best orgasm of his/her life is a lot more disappointing.

If your poor sexual performance has been troubling you for a while now, you might be needing some help to upgrade your knowledge in sex and in anything that concerns it.

Well, worry no more because you’ve already found 10 of the most helpful tips for better sex, you can consider to eventually skyrocket your sexual performance the way you never thought you could.

All you have to do is to find time to read this whole article and note down the tips on how to boost your libido and improve sexual performance, that might be new to your ears.

So top ruminating over how to better in bed, and read without a shred of doubt to begin boosting your sexual performance.

1. Consult a doctor

If consulting a doctor isn’t one of your options, you might probably change your mind once you know that some medications are actually helpful to successfully achieve a better sexual performance level.

You can discuss with your doctor about this serious matter concerning not only your relationship with your partner but as well as your sex life.

Also, the doctor can determine what causes you to have poor performance in bed.

With that, you’ll possibly receive prescriptions that’ll greatly help you resolve your sexual performance problem.

2. Keep up with an active lifestyle

A regular exercise is best known for its long-term benefits to your general well-being. So, you might wonder, how to be better in bed with regular exercise?

Well, committing yourself to regular exercise can also benefit you with your sexual performance issues. Regular exercise results in a better function of your circulatory system which can be certainly correlated with how well you can do in bed.

And having a well-functioned circulatory system means having a healthier heart and lungs which will both improve your sexual health.

With that, it’s suggested that you strive hard to allocate at least 30 minutes of your time every day to keep up with a more active lifestyle.


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3. Stop stressing yourself

Stop stressing yourself
Like how stress badly affects your emotional and mental health, just know that it also has an immense contribution to your poor sexual performance.

So, before you cry yourself to sleep asking the stars for answers on why you can’t give your partner a satisfying and mind-blowing sexy time or how to be better in bed, you better ask yourself first if you’re stressed over something or what.

Of course, you’re the only person who knows yourself and your overall mood better than anyone.

And if you realized that you’ve been dooming your emotional and mental health over a certain thing for some time now, then you better decide to leave it behind and start focusing on the brighter side.

Because, if you’re not aware, too much stress can increase your heart rate in a very bad way that absolutely creates a bad impact on your sexual performance.

4. Slay your bad habits

You might think that drowning your lungs with too much alcohol and suffocating it with too much smoking are actually the best things you can do to look cool and hustler in sex.

Well, sorry to ruin your day but these bad habits are just some of the major contributors to poor sexual performance.

And if you’ve been engaging yourself to these and/or other more bad habits to include on the list, just know that any of those can lead you to have a peripheral vascular disease. The peripheral vascular disease ruins the flow of blood to the clitoris, vaginal tissues, and penis.

So, stop contemplating on how to be better in bed, and think about how do you get rid of your bad habits first.

5. Practice, practice, and more practice

Never disregard the saying that “Practice makes perfect” because this tip definitely delivers positive results 99.99% of the time!

This includes learning more about your body and what arouses you the most. Don’t hesitate to indulge in pleasuring yourself and spot your sexiest parts.

With that, you won’t only boost your sexual desires but might as well enhance your confidence to show your capabilities in bed.

So, hope you got an answer to your nagging query on how to be better in bed. Start working on these suggestions as soon as possible to improve your sexual performance and have the best sex ever.

Conclusive words:

So, what are your thoughts regarding the unfolded sex tips above, huh? Comment down below or don’t think twice about sharing your ideas concerning this interesting topic.

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Let’s Check out the Top 6 Home Buying Tricks for Young Couples

Let's Check out the Top 6 Home Buying Tricks for Young Couples

Once two partners get married, the next big step to commemorate the relationship generally involves buying a home together, where they can stay together and start a family. So, it is obvious for you to look for tips for buying your first home, if you just got married or about to be married.

Purchasing a home involves loads of responsibilities, and you should be ready to take them along with your partner. However, the process might become a little cumbersome, especially if you are looking to take a home loan for it.

This should not be discouraging, though. You must put in a little effort to realize your dreams of owning a house of your own.

So, what to look for when buying a house?

A few home buying tips and tricks might help you make the process a little easier.

Given below is a house purchase checklist consisting of the essential tips for buying your first home that you should know.

Create a new home wish list

When you are looking for a new home, the home buying process can become a little overwhelming. You have to look to maintain your credit score and go for houses that fit your budget and look at many other aspects.

It is a good idea to have a wish list in place and divide it into two groups- ‘must-haves’ and ‘desires.’ Once that segregation is done, it is easier to make an informed choice.

So, one of the primary tips for buying your first home is that you go for your ‘must-haves’ list as opposed to your ‘desires’ list because there is no point in spending money on things that are not needed.

Find the right agent

The right real estate agent is going to play an important role from a financial point of view when looking for a new home. There is a difference in the commission rates among different agents, as well.

Therefore, if you feel that the agent that you have taken is not showing you many options and is charging more money, you have the liberty to change according to your convenience.

Agents have the habit of showing one or two properties, and they expect you to purchase them right away.

Other important tips for buying your first home is that you should not only find the best properties but also make sure that you are looking for the best agents.

Find a proper loan officer right away

Find a proper loan officer right away

When you are looking to buy a house, a loan is generally the mode of financing. However, with loans, there are a lot of other aspects like payback time, interest rates, etc.

A good loan officer will be able to give you proper guidance in this respect. Therefore, always look for a loan officer who is knowledgeable in all aspects and who can make sure that you get the best price for your selected home.

If your loan officer is not explaining the terms as well as conditions associated with the loan and keeping you in the dark, you are going to suffer. A loan comes with several conditions, and it is your responsibility to understand them all.

Ask your loan officer as many questions as you want, and if you think that you are getting answers to all your questions, you will not face any issues moving forward.

Get pre-qualified or pre-approved for a loan

Getting a loan for a new home can also become a little tedious process if not done through proper channels. The approval of the loan majorly depends on your credit score.

Make sure your credit score is healthy and get loans that are pre-qualified or pre-approved. The first thing that you have to do is work on your clearing any existing debts that you have.

If you have already been defaulting on your previous loans or you are being contacted by the creditor’s time, and again for clearing the debts that you have, it is obvious that your credit score is low.

To get approved for a  home loan from traditional banking institutions, you need to have a credit score of 650 and above. You can also take home loans from personal lenders.

Look at the expenses that will go into the house

Just getting a home is not all. Sometimes, there will be additional expenses associated with the renovations and other associated expenditures as well. 

Make sure you take all of that into account as well before you finalize the deal. It should not become too much of a burden later. If you are not purchasing a furnished home, you have to purchase all the furnishings on your own.

There are several other costs that you have to bear at all. Ensure that you understand everything right from the time you decide to purchase your home.

Remember the relationships

In real estate, relationships play a significant role. If you are in good terms with someone, the chances are that they will show you better properties at cheaper rates.

Even if you don’t like a property, you should be cordial in expressing your opinion so that the agent doesn’t get offended. Always maintain a good relationship with your agent.

If you have a good relationship, there is a chance that you will get discounted rates as well, which is a good thing.

Follow these tips for buying your first home, and you will definitely be able to make the best choice.

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Religious Conflicts in Families: The Etymology and How to Solve Them?

Religious Conflicts in Families The Etymology and How to Solve Them

The question of whether religion causes or reduces family conflict has been answered countless times. Many scholars investigated the connection between religion and conflict.

They tried to analyze the role of religion on the family to give a good, informed answer, but if you take a look at the results of multiple studies, chances are you’ll have more questions than answers.

To summarize the large body of research on this topic, researchers have split into two groups. The first group claims that religion increases family cohesion and contributes to fewer conflict cases while the second one’s views are exactly the opposite. The problem is, both of the groups have a lot of evidence to support their claims, which points to only one logical answer to this question.

Only you and your family can decide whether what kind of impact religion has on your family’s cohesion and well-being and how you can reduce religious conflict within families, in case of any.

Our job in this article is to present you with facts and typical outcomes in a situation where religion plays a significant role in holding a family together.

If you are aware of how the religious differences in a relationship or religious conflict within families, can destroy the whole essence of all your relations, you can be more knowledgeable and make smart decisions.

The impact of religion on family functioning

The relationship between religion and conflict in the family has been studied extensively by many scholars in different cultures with two main goals:

  1. Investigate how parents transmit their religious beliefs and practices to their children
  2. The impact of religious beliefs and practices on family conflict

Research shows that many family psychologists and psychologists of religion have defined religion to be an important factor in family functioning.

This is explained by the fact that religion is one significant aspect of the value that parents typically transmit to their children. That’s why parents play the deciding role in faith formation in their children in most cases.

In other words, the choice of faith and religious attendance in most families in all cultures is the outcome of intergenerational transmission of religious practices and beliefs from parents to their children.

In fact, the influence of parents is especially strong in the field of religion, as the vast majority of young individuals chose to identify with the faith of both parents or either their father and mother.

It makes perfect sense: if parents raise their children in a certain religious way, chances are very high that they will get used to it and follow in the footsteps of their parents.

Even though the children may not follow such practices as performing religious rituals and discussing religion at home, the religious behavior of parents greatly influences the religious commitment of children.

That’s why many researchers consider families an excellent place for studying religion and conflict, and to analyze the impact of religious conflict within families.

Religious conflict within families

Religious conflict within families

Issues involving religion can lead to conflicts in families whether the members are religious or not. The reasons for this outcome are numerous and include but are not limited to:

  1. Children beginning to question the religious practices and beliefs of their parents.
  2. Conversion of a child to a different religion that upsets parents.
  3. Children being involved in drinking alcohol and other activities that religion forbids and/or views as sinful and negative.
  4. Having different views on moral issues where religion has a certain stance. For example, a conflict may occur when a decision of a family member to have an abortion directly contradicts the beliefs of the rest of the family.
  5. Choice of a boyfriend/girlfriend or a life partner. If a child chooses to be with a person from another faith, the parents might be upset or even share negative feelings towards the union; living with a partner from another faith can also cause a range of conflicts when making important decisions, i.e. which school should the kids go to.
  6. Choice of a career or a job. Children may choose jobs that contradict religious views in their family; one example is choosing to be a member of the military and get shipped to conflict zones.

Clearly, there are numerous instances where religion and conflict are intertwined.

So, knowing how to deal with these situations involving religious differences in a relationship or religious conflict within families, is a profoundly important skill. The skill of dealing with issues revolving around religion and conflict, can save relationships and improve family cohesion.

How to solve religious conflicts within families

When the question of religion and conflict arises, every religion says that the relationships within a family should be based first and foremost on responsibility, mutual respect, and love.

For example, according to Islam, both parents and children should not cause any harm to each other; Christianity also teaches parents to love and respect their children whose responsibility is to honor their mother and father.

Without a doubt, the best thing to resolve the issues adhering to religion and conflict is to try to understand each other’s motives and views on a situation.

For example, even a severe conflict involving two spouses from different religions can be significantly reduced if they educate each other about the goals and meanings of their actions as well as decisions and celebrations in their respective religions (if applicable).

Once a person understands the meaning and motivation behind an act or a decision, they have a chance to take a step forward and explain their own goals and motives as well.

Keeping an open and mutually respectful dialog is a critical goal while dealing with religion and conflict, as the two parties can start building a bridge towards mutual understanding in other similar conflicts.

As in many different situations, communication and education make it possible to learn how to respect each other’s decisions and choices and get over the stressful arguments pertaining to religion and conflict.

Final thoughts on religion and conflict

Religious conflicts can occur in all families regardless of whether they’re religious or not.

That’s why learning how to deal with religious differences in a relationship and the religious conflict within families is an important skill to maintain the quality of relationships as well as family cohesion.

Hopefully reading this article will be one of the steps you’ll take to understanding sources of religious conflicts in families as well as improving your skills of their resolution.

Also, remember that all religions teach us to respect each other and accept the decisions made by other people.

If you don’t get over the issues involving religion and conflict, chances are that you’ll lose the emotional support and a chance to continue your relationships with those people, which is an unnecessarily high price to pay.

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Sunday 24 November 2019

5 Ways to Affordably Spoil Your Child While Invigorating Your Marriage

5 Ways to Affordably Spoil Your Child While Invigorating Your Marriage

Looking for innovative ways of developing your child’s unique personality and steps to more effective parenting? There are ways to support your child’s creativity and foster creativity in your kids.

How to nurture your child’s unique personality?

In 2019 there are almost as many ways to make money as there are ways to spend it, but like many of the other mindful parenthood articles suggest, a little research can certainly shift the odds in your favor.

Shopping for your child won’t boast the same stakes as the Hunger Games, but it can feel that way especially when the happiness of your child is seemingly on the line.

Ways to foster creativity in your kids

What wouldn’t we do to keep our children happy?

The trick is to integrate the act of creating special occasions or gift-giving for your child with activities that will strengthen your bonds of marriage.

That being said, this article is meant to guide you whether you’re a mother or father so that in keeping your child happy you can spoil-away without traumatizing your bank account, and without adding stressors to the relationship dynamics of marriage.

I will also focus on strategies that seek affordable alternatives for your little one rather than an excess of material goods.

Before we begin, I would like to note here that what constitutes ‘an excess of material goods’ will not be up for debate; afterall I believe that such a thing is unique to the context of each individual family, their cultural background, and upbringing.

Instead I will focus on 5 of the best ways to spoil your child with experiential and financially astute options under $10 meant to either supplement or even replace more financially robust gifts, while supporting a solid foundation of marriage.

1. The gift of adventure

What makes children such a joy to behold, or one of which at least, is the same thing that makes each new experience an adventure to them.

A walk along a new park path is an expedition into the unknown lands of fantasy, visiting a new toy store is a treasure hunt where anything might be unearthed in the next isle down, and a movie theatre might as well be a space station, offering a few hour round-trip to another world.

More than an exact suggestion, this tip is focused on a broader way of thinking when considering a gift for your child – what would be an adventure for your little one?

Because some children have a thirst for thrill and excitement, while others appreciate the joys of more quiet activities, the types of adventures to embark on may range from a relaxed pizza party at home to an outdoor excursion.

The trick is to apply that secret ingredient of adventure, and you might be surprised in what activity your child finds fascinating.

What’s amazing about this practice is that our child’s sense of adventure often seeps into the mindset of the parents, and can beckon a similar feeling of wonder and enjoyment in them.

2. The gift of place

Inline with the previous tip, this suggestion is about assigning a value to a certain place.

National and local parks offer a real life opportunity for adventure, and can lay the foundation for a healthy appreciation for nature.

One approach that I have found invigorates a child’s love of nature is to focus on the child’s specific interest in biology (or fostering one in the absence of such interest).

For instance my daughter loves reptiles and amphibians from a distance at least–and so before exploring some local parks, I pick up a reptile field manual with pictures and we research together what reptiles or amphibians are native to the area (these are only about $5 on

Even if we don’t find one, the act of searching adds that twinkle of excitement to her eyes. I use USN rankings to find the parks nearby that best suit my daughter and I, or I invite some of my daughter’s friends and let them choose.

Many national parks are totally free, while some of the more popular will only charge around $10 for an adult day pass and about half that for children. If you are able to bring a friend for your child, this allows even more time for you and your spouse to take in the scenery and enjoy each other’s company.

3. The gift of giving

The gift of giving

 There is some great research out there about how the act of giving gifts can build emotional health and empathy in our children, and this can also be a great way to positively involve your loved ones and your children in what might otherwise be a fairly mundane gifting experience.

Is it your boss’s birthday? Involve your child and spouse in the search for a gift.

The act of considering what another might appreciate is what is so important here. I have found my daughter enjoys searching out gifts for others almost as much as receiving her own, and my husband seems particularly skilled at facilitating her thought process.

What’s great about this practice is that it often serves to add meaning to the gift as well, since most people will really appreciate that you involved your loved ones in the process.

If you really want to involve your spouse and child in the empathetic side of this, then another great thing to do here is to donate to the charity of less fortunate kids.

On Christmas, birthdays, and Easter my daughter will pick out a $10 toy for one of the poor children at our local shelter for abused women and children.

4. The gift of creation

One of my favorite ways of spoiling my daughter affordably while hanging with my hubby is DIY projects.

There’s some great research indicating that when children learn to invest time and energy in long-term creative projects and crafts, they are more likely to gravitate towards creative thinking and responsible decision-making later in life.

One the best gender-neutral approaches to this is building a birdhouse, which offers the added bonus of involving your child in wildlife conservation.

Another great thing about this type of activity is that it works on any budget. A quick google search or trip to a craft’s store will turn over many options.

You can also employ cost-mindfulness and build an excellent birdhouse out of popsicle sticks and hot glue for under $10, or you can let your kid go all out and build a bird mansion for only the most high-class of birds.

Another tip here is often times local wildlife reservations will take bird houses, or even allow you to install them upon request, and might even ask for a bird house of a certain type to facilitate the propagation of a certain species.

5. The gift of breaking bread

My last tip is one that can really get you in the good graces of friends and family: offer to cook for them.

If your husband or wife doesn’t enjoy cooking, you can put them in charge of helping your child contribute. My family started doing this last year and now it has become a monthly tradition. We decide who we want to cook for and then let them decide what they want.

As a family, we then pick out what recipe we think we would have the most fun with and then we jump to it. Just like the DIY projects, cooking allows the family to operate as a unit, working together towards a common goal.

In 2019 when it is hard enough to just get people off of their phones, I have found great joy in the dynamics of teamwork that arise.

For instance, my husband is great with memorizing numbers so he is in charge of directing the measurements, portions, and other aspects of the recipe.

My daughter loves mixing things, so that’s her job. Watching them work is the main joy, so really I just fill-in from there.

Regardless which of these you decide to try, the goal is to make the activity about giving time to your loved one and child.

We are all so busy nowadays that it is often these moments of simplicity and tradition that can offer the most rewarding and wholesome experience.

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8 Tips on Dating Again After Divorce

8 Tips on Dating Again After Divorce

Divorce is not the end of life, as it seems after the collapse of the family.

In any case, this is the beginning of a new life. Some people understand this from the very beginning and accept such a life situation as a breath of fresh air and find happiness in a new relationship.

But not everyone is able to get out of depression, not to mention trying again to establish a relationship.

How to recover from a failed marriage and believe in love again? You can find out about how to start dating after divorce, and ways to know you’re ready to date after divorce.

Wondering how to get back into dating after divorce?

Have you just entered the battlefield?

If you are just starting divorce proceedings, then you need to know what possible options are there available.

In recent years, the most popular way of breaking up with your spouse is filing for divorce online. If you and your spouse have no particular disagreements about property or guardianship, then this is an option for you. In other cases, the help of a lawyer is highly recommended.

However, let’s get back to another equally important issue. It’s time to learn how to start dating after divorce.

8 tips for dating after divorce

As already said at the very beginning, divorce is not the end of your life.

This is the beginning of a new one!

Even if now the idea to date somebody horrifies you, sooner or later you will need to return to a full life. And life without love is not the best option. So let’s look at how to start dating after divorce.

1. Reflect on previous relationships

After a difficult divorce with a loved one, pain and resentment remain.

Before letting a new person into the heart, make sure that all the wounds are healed and get rid of the oppressive guilt.

Be sure to give yourself the opportunity to go through a period of grief.

Live these emotions, accept them, let the situation go and prepare yourself for a new life. Until you go through all these stages, there is a risk of being held hostage to past relationships.

2. Analyze your experience

You need to understand what mistakes you made while being married.

Thus, you will protect yourself in future relationships. When you analyze what went wrong in your marriage, you can let the past go and proceed to a new stage.

3. Understand if you are ready for a new relationship

Understand if you are ready for a new relationship

It doesn’t matter how many years you have been married, be it half a year or 25 years.

The time has come to understand whether you are ready for a new relationship. If you do not even have the desire for this, then you should not start.

You need to wait a bit. But as soon as you are visited by the thought that it would not be bad to go on a date, then this is the sign. This is the sign that the time for a new life has come so do not miss this opportunity of dating.

4. Do you have a sense of fear? Take action

Most divorced people have a sense of fear of a world of new opportunities.

But the feeling of fear can be so strong that any attention from the opposite sex is terrifying.

Do not worry and think that something is wrong with you. This is normal after severe stress. Begin gradually. You can often get out in the company of friends, where there will be the opposite sex.

“Start with normal communication, and gradually you will become ready for a new life.”

5. Say goodbye to negative thinking

Just believe, not everyone is as bad as your ex-spouse.

If you live with such negative thinking, you will not be able to find your soul mate.

Moreover, with this attitude, it is better not to go on a date.

Stop seeing in all the appearance of your ex-spouse. Start to notice what kind of person is, think positively. Over time, positive thinking will become your habit, and it will be easier for you to make new relationships.

6. Remember that everything is fine with you

Those who part with their soulmate begin to think that this is due to the fact that something is wrong with them.

If you creep in thoughts that you are not good or beautiful enough –  forget about it. You can try to change your image, go in for sports, but never underestimate your self-esteem. Underestimating it is simple, but raising it back is very difficult!

7. Determine the purpose of dating

Before deciding to go on a date, you need to understand why you need it.

Think about what you expect from it. Do you want to just switch your thoughts or want to find your destiny? Perhaps this is just a way to rest and relax.

“Once you determine the goal, then you can develop a model of behavior with people.”

8. Try virtual communication

If you feel that real dating is too scary, then consider an alternative.

You can start with virtual communication. So you can begin and end correspondence at any moment. Such communication does not oblige you to anything, plus you can communicate with several people at once.

This is a great way to remember how to communicate with the opposite sex. Well, this is a good chance to take a step into a new life.

Do not drown in the past, but go to your future.

As soon as you go on a date, catch yourself wondering why you didn’t do it before. Therefore, in order not to regret the lost time, start acting (if you really feel ready for this, of course)

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Postpartum Depression in Men

Postpartum Depression in Men

Postpartum depression in men is real and pervasive.

Imagine this! You have waited all your life to have a baby with your loving wife, and when the moment finally arrives, you feel extremely disconnected from the baby.

In other words, you do not want to hold the baby or touch it, let alone do anything that will bond you two together.

As the weeks go by and the baby tries to make a connection with the father, the father backs away or finds an excuse to leave the room and be away.

This is how a typical postpartum depression in new dads looks like as they do not have to indulge in primary maternity duties like feeding and cleaning the baby as naturally as mothers, so their alienation from the baby goes unnoticed and undiagnosed in most cases also from them.

One can only imagine the vast array of factors that affect a male soon after he becomes a new father. Apart from the hormonal changes aside, there is an enormous psychological shift that hits a new father from multiple directions. Some of these factors are:

  1. Sudden change in the responsibility and expectations
  2. Financial burden overwhelms
  3. Depression history
  4. Lack of sleep due to erratic child sleep patterns
  5. Lack of emotional support

Signs of postpartum depression and anxiety in men

There is a lot of stigmas attached to paternal postpartum depression. A typical father suffering from postnatal depression would not want to do any parenting activities like nappy cleaning or feeding or helping mother with the baby.

They would immediately come across as bad fathers. But underneath it’s a different storm that is brewing.

Because symptoms and reactions are various from postnatal depression in mothers, the fathers keep suffering from the condition unknowingly in most of the cases.

Some of the signs of postpartum depression and anxiety in men are bouts of alcoholism, substance abuse, physical aggression, and even picking up fights on small, petty matters.

In many cases, if the wife is suffering from depression, the father also eventually picks it up but with altogether different symptoms.

Research also points out that the more profound the bond between a husband and wife, the more likely are the chances for fathers to suffer from some form of depression.

As a supportive spouse in such situations can help alleviate the effects of depression.

Otherwise, the relationship stress, lack of sleep, financial burden, and the experience of fatherhood together can put anyone in a very lonely spot.

Postpartum depression treatment

Treatment for postnatal depression is far and wide, and some are more effective than others. They are:

1. Supplements

Supplements like Fish oil, SAMe, L-Theanine, etc.: Fish Oil is an excellent source of Omega 3 fatty acids, which are incredibly important for mental health.

Of the three types of omega-3 fatty acids VIZ. ALA, EPA, and DHA. Of the three, EPA appears to be the best at fighting depression.

Studies have shown that people who regularly consume fish oil or similar supplements are less likely to be depressed or suffer from bouts of anxiety.

SAMe can be consumed orally or can be injected intravenously. Additional to helping in depression, SAMe is also reported to aid in mental performance and slow the aging process. The ideal dosage varies from 600 mg to 1200 mg daily.

L-Theanine is an amino acid naturally found in beverages like green tea and black tea. It has been reported to provide an array of benefits like better mental focus, better sleep, increased cognition, and aid with depression.

2. Antidepressants


Antidepressants like TCAs, SSRIs, SNRIs: These are the most commonly prescribed antidepressants and, as such, have shown significant evidence to treat depression.

These antidepressants operate by typically blocking the messages to nerve cells in the brain, and instead, they temporarily stall the neurotransmitters to stay in Synapse.

The belief here is to increase the levels of neurotransmitters to aid in better nerve strength to further help in regulating mood.

3. Counseling

Such counselors are professionals trained in understanding a patient’s current condition by asking a wide array of questions and then provide notes and inputs that help the patients in dealing with inner negativity and instead drive the focus on positive aspects of life.

4. Therapies

Therapies like dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), multimodal, rational emotive.

There are various therapies like DBT, which have shown good evidence in treating depressed patient’s health. Typically, in DBT, there are three settings:

  1.  A classroom set up where the patient is taken through behavioral skills and role-playing to help in ways of interacting with people.
  2.  Phone-based therapy aids patients in current situations that are otherwise difficult for the patient to deal with on their own.
  3.  Individual sessions where the learned skills are put in real-life scenarios.

In multimodal therapy, the specific focus is put on the correction of feelings and thoughts that are harmful to the patient’s physical and mental health. These feelings include Negative thoughts, irrational beliefs, negative imaginations, and any mental hallucinations.

In treating this, the professionals often rely on portraying imaginations, which are rewarding for the patient in times to come and situations to encounter and thus lessening the negativity associated with these dealings.

In rational-emotive, the patient is asked and taught to challenge all or any negative thoughts that come in their mental processing. This therapy makes the patient understand how unhealthy thoughts can be detrimental to their situation and interfere in their otherwise healthy to a happy life.

5. Lifestyle changes

There are specific lifestyle changes that pull out a male from depression. Starting with regular exercise, which aids in producing natural antidepressants and offers benefits like reducing stress, improve mood, and provide better sleep at night.

This will also help in weight loss, which, together with the right diet, enhances the patient’s self-esteem.

As part of the regime, regular meditation sessions go a long way. Things like deep breathing, mentally repeating a chant, or focusing on positive thoughts for a specific time duration daily can alleviate stress and depression.

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5 Things All Brides Should Do the Week of Their Wedding

5 Things All Brides Should Do the Week of Their Wedding

Congratulations on making it to the week of your wedding!

At this point, you are probably feeling very excited and stressed at the same time. You are excited because you are getting ready to marry the love of your life.

However, the wedding encompasses more than the moment when you and your partner say ‘I do’.

You want the day to unfold exactly as you imagined and also want your guests to have a fantastic time. You might think that you have taken care of most of the required tasks in your wedding planning, but there are key details to take care of the week of your wedding.

Don’t stress about these tasks!

After reading this article, you will know what are the important to-dos for the week of your wedding and will have enough info to prepare one week before the wedding checklist.

Week before your wedding to do list

1. Communicate and Touch Base with Vendors

Some of you might have a vendor for virtually every aspect of your wedding while others only have one or two vendors.

Regardless, the final week before your big day is a great time to touch base, confirm final details, and let the vendors know about any big changes.

  • Keep a list. You have a lot on your mind in the week of your wedding, so write out a list of all of the vendors that you need to contact. After you get in touch with them, update the list and mark any special notes or information that is going to impact your wedding.
  • Ask key questions. Ask questions that are relevant to the vendor you are contacting. If you are contacting the photographer, for example, ask them if they have any questions on the venue, package, or order that you want pictures.
  • Alert them to changes. It is very possible that there will be changes to your plans from when you last talked to your vendor and now. Maybe there are changes in the food or in the guest list. Whatever they are, let the vendor know. You might not think they are important, but the changes could impact the vendor’s plan.

2. Practice your vows

Your vows are a very big deal!

These are the words that really capture how you feel about spending the rest of your life with your significant other.

Just like someone who is giving a keynote at a conference or sermon at a church, you need to practice saying your vows before walking down the aisle.

Even if you think this seems silly, you will be nervous and excited when reciting your vows and you do not want your stress to mess up what you say.

This is an important task whether you are reading your vows off a paper or memorizing them. The following are suggestions for practicing your vows.

  • Practice in front of a mirror. You can use a mirror to look at your body language and other communication when saying your vows.
  • Practice with a friend. It can be hard to know if you are speaking too fast or too slow without feedback from someone else. You can use a trusted friend to speak in front of.

3. Finalize timeline

Finalize timeline

Your general timeline will be set at this point.

You have a specific time for your wedding and reception. You also probably have specific times for anytime devoted to getting dressed and fixing your hair and makeup.

However, there is still a lot of variability in the day. You have to decide how early you need to be at your wedding and how much time you need to get ready for the reception.

Like most other days, everything will take longer than you think. It is always better to be slightly early than late for the events of your big day.

  • Be reasonable. There is a lot of stuff that you want to fit into the day. Make sure to not fit too much into a tight timeline. Think about what is essential for you and what would be nice to have but not necessary.

Make room for the things that are essential and see if you can fit in the extras.

  • Write out the timeline. Just like if you were planning a conference or other event, you want to make sure that you write out each part of the day. This lets you see the big picture of how the day is going to flow and can give you a sense of where the tight points in the schedule might be. 

Writing it out can also let you see if you should rearrange parts of the day based on the bigger picture.

4. Pack your bags

You will need bags not only for your wedding but also for any trips you have planned immediately after the wedding.

Remember when we said that your timeline on the day of your wedding is going to be tight?

You definitely do not want to add packing time into your timeline. Think about everything that you might need for the wedding. This is a case where it is better to have and not need then to need and not have.

If you are also taking your honeymoon immediately after the wedding, then you want to make sure those bags are packed.

The last thing you want to do is get to the airport and realize that you forgot your passport or identification.

5. Take care of payments

Make sure that your payments are ready for all vendors or anyone else who has provided a service for the wedding.

It is a good idea to delegate someone to be in charge of making sure that vendors are paid and tipped appropriately.

You do not want to let financial headaches or snafus mess with your attitude and memories on your big day. Make sure to review the contracts from your vendors so that any payment deadlines are met.

By following the steps above, you can be confident that you are ready to have a wonderful day. You have been proactive in making sure that all of the details are taken care of so that you can celebrate, enjoy your loved ones, and spend the day in bliss.

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