Wednesday 4 December 2019

Want to Improve Your Sex Life? Juicing Can Help

Want to Improve Your Sex Life Juicing Can Help

Sex is an important part of our day to day lives, but you can have problems that occur. As we age, our bodies don’t function as they should due to the food we eat.

You may suffer from a poor sex life even if you’re younger and do not eat the proper food for sex drive. You could take medication to address the issues, but this has side effects that can be unpleasant.

If your sex life is a struggle and you’re having problems in the bedroom, there are other natural solutions that don’t require medications.

You can return your sex life to normal and even improve it, in some cases, with the right kind of food for sex drive. One efficient way to address your poor sex life and also save your marriage is to start juicing.

How to improve your sex life with juicing

Juicing is the process of extracting juice from fruits and vegetables. It’s estimated that around 90% of Americans don’t eat enough fresh fruit and vegetables.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans says that adults need 1.5 to two cups and about 2-3 cups of vegetables each day. It’s estimated that Americans eat fruit only once per day and vegetables 1.7 times per day.

The CDC indicates that the numbers need to rise as fresh fruit and vegetables can reduce obesity, cardiovascular disease, and cancer risks. What or worse is that young people tend to eat even less food for sex drive when compared to an adult.

Thankfully, all these issues can be solved with these natural sex stimulants’ food. You can dramatically increase food for sex drive in your diet, by including natural juices, to enhance your sex life.

Fruits, vegetables, and sex

If you want to improve your sex life, you need to eat food for sex drive that includes fruits and vegetables. These foods improve blood circulation and stamina, which is critical for good sex.

Researchers indicate that a high fruit consumption that includes citrus fruit, berries, grapes, and apples reduced ED or erectile dysfunction by 14%.

Fruits contain flavonoids that help treat issues with ED. Celery releases steroids, which are called androsterone. These travel to the sweat glands and can even attract the opposite sex. Arginine found in celery expands the blood vessels and acts as a natural Viagra.

Spinach has a high level of magnesium, and it helps to dilate the blood vessels, so you get better blood flow. Pomegranate juice can raise testosterone, which is the male sex hormone, and it can help both sexes as it’s high in antioxidants, which lifts the mood as well as increases blood flow.

It’s clear that natural sex drive boosting foods like fruits and vegetables play a significant role in your sex life. So, following are listed foods and drinks that stimulate sex drive.

Juicing for enhanced male sex drive

Bananas have a high level of potassium which reduces your sodium levels. High sodium makes you retain water, and this decreases your blood flow. Higher levels of potassium increase blood flow, so you get a better erection.

Blueberries have high levels of antioxidants, and these produce nitric oxide, which opens blood vessels. Ginger is excellent for inflammation and better blood flow. Watermelon has citrulline, and this converts to nitric oxide for proper blood flow.

Kale has high levels of B vitamins, which balance hormones, and this improves the libido and keeps it high. Beets are high in nitrates, and this improves blood circulation to the genitals. The poly nutrients in beets help detox the body and return hormones to normal.

Okra is high in zinc, and low levels of zinc have been linked to erectile dysfunction. Add tomato juice for the lycopene, which will boost male libido.

Juicing for enhanced female sex drive

Juicing for enhanced female sex drive

Bananas help women just as much as males, but a bit differently. Bananas have bromelain, which is an enzyme, and this increases female libido and energy.

Carrots increase a female’s level of sexual satisfaction as they have high levels of vitamin A which improves body sensations. Celery has high aldosterone, and this increases a woman’s libido.

Dark green vegetables have high levels of zinc, and this increases female sex drive. Pineapple produces estrogen, and this raises female satisfaction in the bedroom.

Flavor your juice or other food for sex drive with ginseng, as this increases female sexual desire.

Significantly increase fruits and vegetables in your diet

Adding natural fruits and vegetables apart from the food for sex drive, to your diet is a good option for your overall wellbeing.

Juicing is a better way to get higher levels of these nutrients without feeling as full. Since you don’t have to eat the food, you get up your nutrition profile quickly with just juice.

Try adding a couple of glasses of fresh juice to your diet each day. There are many wonderful recipes to try and it can be something fun for both of you to do together.

What to Avoid

Reduce sugar in the diet, especially for men as it lowers testosterone, which is vital for the male’s sex drive.

Get trans-fat out of your diet, which is still found in some junk food. It’s linked to decreased sexual function in both men and women.

Canned food should be labeled BPA free. In high amounts, it can cause male sexual dysfunction.  Men should avoid soy as it lowers testosterone.

Salt should be reduced for both sexes as it will impact blood flow to the sex organs.


If you want to improve your sex life, add more food for sex drive to your diet that includes fruits and vegetables.

You’ll have more fun in the bedroom and enjoy great-tasting juices at the same time, which may just be the thing that your sex life needs to kick it into overdrive.

As a couple, you’ll be happy if you add a dash of juice to your everyday foods!

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