Monday 8 April 2019

Types of Friends: They Come in All Flavors

Types of Friends: They Come in All Flavors

Love and friendship- these are critical connections and the foundation of a healthy, happy life. Indeed, what would life be without friendships?  Our friends are mirrors of ourselves, the glue that connect us to the world around us.

They feel happy when we share our happiness and are there to shoulder our pain when we are down. They can be closer to us than our actual family. Their presence in our life is essential to our well-being and balance.

Most of us have a variety of types of friends.  In our inner, smaller circle of intimates are our best friends.  Usually only one person, and typically someone we’ve known for a good bit of time.  If we are lucky, we might still be best friends with a childhood friend, someone who has witnessed our life and all its growth and evolutions.  

Along with a best friend, we have our good friends—a larger circle of those—and then we have our “regular” friends.  

Lastly we have acquaintances, people we are friendly with but with whom we might not share everything about ourselves.

Let’s have a look at these different types of friends and how they fit in to our lives

1. Our best friend, or our BFF

Our best friend is like family, only we get to choose them intentionally.  They are always there for us, through good times and bad. They stand for us at our wedding, they allow us to cry nonstop for weeks when and if we get a divorce.  

They know everything about us and they still love us.  We can speak freely with them, never worrying about being judged or feeling shame.  They are both mirror and witness to our life.

What a treasure these types of friends are!

When you have a best friend, be sure to remind them how grateful you are for their special presence in your life. 

2. The parental-like friend

We all have a friend like this.  Perhaps a little older, someone who has gone through loads of life experiences and can share their wisdom with us.  “What would you do in my situation?” is a question you ask of them frequently, and you know that you can trust their answer to be wise.  

An essential part of your friendship circle, especially if you are not close to your own parents or don’t trust your parents to give good advice when you need it.

These types of friends give you advice like your guardians sans all the judgement and scolding that you may have received from your parents had you told them. 

3. The goofball friend

Probably someone you went to college with and did a million silly things with (especially when drunk).  This is the friend you call when you just want to get out and have some fun.  They are always up for going clubbing, or taking a road trip at the last minute.  

They help you lighten up, and prevent you from taking things too seriously.

They walk into your house and instantly you start grinning because you know good times are ahead.

These types of friends help you relieve the stress and tensions of your daily life. 

4. The emotional friend

Frequently having a breakdown, or nearing one, the emotional friend wears their heart on their sleeve and is not shy about telling you everything that is going on in their head.  They are out there, unfiltered and real.

Everything takes on gigantic proportions for this friend, and they lack perspective.  You love them anyway, especially because it makes you happy that you aren’t like that! 

5. The super smart friend

The super smart friend

They’ve got diplomas from the best universities in the country, and talking with them is like interviewing an encyclopedia.  

They know everything, from the best series to watch on Netflix to how cold fusion works.  They are a great friend to bring along for your next pub quiz night.

These types of friends may not be the best people to hang out with all the time because they can slightly puncture your self esteem. But occassionally, they can add great value to your life. 

6. The work buddy

Someone you might not necessarily hang out with outside the office (you aren’t even Facebook friends with them) but at the workplace they are your ally.  You send each other hilarious memes throughout the day, and exchange looks during boring meetings.

You both love to diss on certain other employees, and enjoy taking lunch breaks together.  The workplace would not be the same without them.

These types of friends are those who you call your work wife or husband. 

7. The healthy friend

They are the one you consult when you’ve had it with your bad eating habits and need advice on living the clean life.  

They have the latest scoop on the latest food trends:  avocado toast for the win, the Keto diet, and how tumeric can cure all the inflammation in your body.  

They’ll coach you on a workout plan and send you daily inspiration emails.  Kettleballs, anyone? 

8. The foodie

This is the friend that is always up to try the latest, most hipster eatery.  They spend massive amounts of time cooking up gourmet meals and you love when you are included in the dinner party invitation.  

They’ll make a special trip across the city to find imported pepper from that tiny village in the French Pyrenees, so you’d better appreciate it.  

Their kitchen is full of high-end gadgets—the custom embossed rolling pin, the sous vide machine, the imported-from-Italy expresso maker—which actually get used! 

9. The ultra-rich friend

Maybe they made their money themselves, maybe they married it.  In any case, this friend is so fun to be around. You love going to their house for a swim—it’s like being at a luxury resort—or tooling around town in their Bentley convertible.  

When they decide to Marie Kondo their closets, be sure to be around so you can inherit some of the cast-off designer gowns and shoes.  

You’ll look good in the Louboutins that they no longer want.

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