Wednesday 25 March 2020

7 Memorable Date Ideas for You and Your Spouse to Reignite Your Relationship

Couple In Love Standing And Hugging On A Building Rooftop At Sunset

Dating your spouse even when you’ve been together for many years is one of the surefire ways to keep the romance in your relationship alive. Initially, in the honeymoon phase, there is no dearth of date ideas for married couples.

Indeed, having dinner at your favorite restaurant or visiting your local cinema to catch a movie can be fun as one of the good date ideas . But let’s be honest, such date ideas for couples can get old and boring as years go by.

If you and your partner are one of those couples who have been married for a long time, it could be a challenge to spice up date nights, as you’re probably running out of new ideas to spend quality time together.

That’s totally understandable—but don’t you worry about it too much, because we’ve got a list of excellent, romantic date ideas to rekindle that sense of excitement and adventure you’ve been missing:

Memorable dating ideas 101

1. Plan a restaurant tour

If food is something you and your spouse bond over, and you both are into eating out, then this date idea could be the perfect way to spend the day with your partner.

Start by trying out a new bistro that has amazing appetizers—maybe even pair it with a glass of sangria or a nice cocktail.

After that, head over to a nearby restaurant that you both haven’t tried for a sumptuous dinner. If you have a sweet tooth, then you could finish up someplace else that serves mouthwatering desserts.

2. Have a romantic picnic

Wonderful Couple Holding Hands Walk On Roadside

If you feel like having a nice walk in the park with your partner is no longer as romantic as it used to, it’s time to whip out that picnic basket that has been sitting in your attic for years and go on a picnic instead.

To make it extra special, you can prepare the meal you’ll be bringing with your partner. It doesn’t have to be fancy—you can make Caprese sandwiches or a simple Greek salad to share. Don’t forget to bring with you a bottle of wine and some blankets to rest on while enjoying the beautiful scenery and fresh air.

3. Enroll in a cooking class

If you’re a couple who enjoys spending time together in the kitchen whipping up meals for your kids, you might want to check out cooking classes in your local area—Vietnamese or Thai cuisines are certainly worth looking into.

You’ll not only learn new skills and exciting new dishes, but you can also potentially meet like-minded people and gain new friends.

Plus, cooking is a great way to take your mind off of the mundane responsibilities like pending chores for even just a few hours.In fact, as you will both discover that the art of cooking is a therapy in itself.

Also watch some exciting date night dinners:

4. Visit a gallery or museum

Speaking of taking your mind off of the mundane, art galleries and museums are a great way to spend some well-deserved quality time with your partner, as art never fails to spark interesting conversations.

Even if you’re not an artist or nothing close to an art expert, visiting a gallery can be exciting and fun. To top it off, imagine taking in the beauty of it all while quite possibly scoring some free drinks and snacks!

If you’re looking for something more exciting, you can check out museums that feature interactive art exhibits like the Museum of Ice Cream in San Francisco.

5. Take pottery or painting classes

Couple Of Artists Sitting In Their Studio Use Laptop Computer

If you’re interested in art, but want something even more interactive, you might want to take up a pottery or painting class with your spouse.

Get down and dirty, and learn the basics of pottery. Want to add more spice to the night?

You can check out a paint and sip studio nearby for an evening of fun and socializing with an artful twist.

6. Give wine tasting a go

Wine-tasting is definitely classy and romantic—you can ask everyone you know, surely they’ll agree.

If you’ve been stuck in a dating rut for a while now, this could be a great way to get out.

The best part is, you don’t even have to travel to a vineyard for this kind of date!

You can simply visit a local wine bar that hosts tasting events to guide you through the wine-tasting experience. To help you choose the right wine-tasting event, before giving your local wine bar a visit, make sure you know what bottles you and your spouse enjoy.

7. Volunteer with your partner

You can’t go wrong with choosing to volunteer as couples for a worthy cause. Giving back to your community is a fulfilling way to spend your day with your partner.

Aside from being able to help those in need, volunteering may help further strengthen your relationship while gaining new skills and memorable experiences.

Also, because volunteering is known to trigger the brain’s reward center, you’ll surely experience a shared feeling of fulfillment.

Whether you’ve been married for a year or over a decade, daily cuddling and dating your spouse are some of the secrets to a long-lasting and happy marriage. It’s time to break out of the dreaded dating rut and explore these date night ideas.

Get out there and have some fun!

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