Friday 17 May 2019

6 Significant Reasons Why Many Relationships Fail These Days

6 Reasons Why Many Relationships Fail These Days

Every single man or woman wants to be successful in their relationship. But it is unfortunate that some relationships fail without remedy.

Being in a healthy relationship does not just happen. It takes time, resources and energy to develop.

Majority of the questions of those in a new relationship ask is this “Will this relationship work for us?

Majority of relationships today ends in dissolution.

The fact is that you are capable of sustaining your relationship and also have the power to destroy it.

In this article, I shall reveal to you 10 reasons why do relationships fail nowadays

Important reasons why relationships fail easily

1. Lack of time

Majority of couples don’t give their relationship time. Everything in life is all about time management. If you are thinking what are the top reasons couples break up?

Lack of time and efforts rank at the top.

You cannot have a successful relationship without giving it your effort and time.

You are in a new relationship, what do you do next? Is it to sit down and watch the relationship? Or to work for it?

Show me a successful relationship and I will show you the amount of time given to it by the two parties.

Your relationship requires time.

The dearth of time is one of the most critical reasons why relationships fail.

  2. Trust is nowhere to be found

Trust matters a lot in every healthy relationship. The lack of it brings disharmony in a relationship.

Learn how to trust your partner. Stop being too suspicious all the time.

It is another major reason why relationships fail woefully.

Trust is nowhere to be found

3. Improper definition of the union

Every relationship needs to be defined before starting it.

The importance of defining a relationship is that it will help the two parties to know what the union is all about.

Some don’t define their relationship at the initial stage. The result of it is usually “breakup”

Your partner may be expecting the relationship to end up in marriage not knowing that your motive is different from their own. This is why relationships fail.

Define your relationship before starting it up. Make your partner realize what the relationship is all about. Whether it will end up in marriage or not.

4. The relationship is based on material things

Most people fall in love because of their partner’s appearance, achievement or whatever.

You don’t start a relationship because you feel your partner has what you need. You fall in love because you love them.

That is why you need to know the difference between love and infatuation.

It is very necessary to check whether you are really in love or just lusting after the person you claim to love.

 5. There is little or no commitment

How committed you are in your relationship will determine its success.

If you don’t show seriousness in your relationship, it will definitely fail.

How committed are you to your partner and your relationship?

Do you show any concern in your relationship at all? If no, it will definitely fail.

Lack of commitment is why relationships fail.

6. You focus only on your past

Most people are tied down by their past relationships. You keep thinking about it.

The fact is that the more you keep remembering your past, the more you are going back.

You have experienced breakup before  ‘fine’ but you can still move on.

Don’t allow your past relationship to destroy your present one.

Don’t let your past be the reason why relationships fail.


Every relationship is like a beautiful garden. You need to water it daily in other to sustain it.

Most relationships fail because the two individuals failed to play their role.

If you must have a successful relationship, you must have these qualities; love, patience, and forgiveness.

Every successful relationship is anchored on these three things.

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