Friday 29 June 2018

22 Ways Happy People Get Their Groove On

What are happy people up to?  What do they do that others don’t?  Happiness is not a “one size fits all” but there are a number of things you can work into your life to increase positive emotions and good vibes in your quest for happiness.  Research has given us a solid roadmap to follow so pick what resonates with you from the list below and get moving!

22 Ways Happy People Get Their Groove On

  1. They spend time with people who are reinforcing, reciprocal and generally positive but are also compassionate and loyal when they are struggling.
  2. They stay aware of their emotional health; checking in on their mood states and practicing self compassion when needed.
  3. They recognize their negativity biases and counteract by savoring positive experiences for at least 10 seconds to allow the transfer from short-term to long-term memory.
  4. They do activities they are passionate about or even achieve a state of flow while doing them.
  5. They are attuned to themselves and others.
  6. They avoid over-thinking and social comparison.
  7. They express gratitude freely and openly as studies support it’s strong ties to greater happiness.
  8. They meditate, building an awareness of their inner state and physical body while building resilience and distress tolerance.
  9. They take care of their physical bodies; nutrition, sleep and exercise.
  10. They think positively but also realistically.
  11. They dream, imagine and set goals for the future as this has been shown to create meaning and purpose.
  12. They enjoy helping people in the many ways that exist; interpersonal relationships, volunteering, donating or being a helping professional.
  13. They know that they alone are responsible for their feelings regardless of how other’s actions might be a catalyst.
  14. They have good coping skills for the tough times and support to help get through.
  15. They practice forgiveness when necessary as research has shown that unforgiving people tend to be hateful, angry and hostile.
  16. They set good boundaries, knowing the difference between assertiveness and aggressiveness.
  17. They are aware of their own vulnerabilities and actively work on them.
  18. They spend time in nature as studies have shown this reduces stress.
  19. They have at least one confidante who knows them inside and out.
  20. They outer life and inner life is in alignment; they live authentically rather than wear social masks to adapt to how they believe people want to see them.
  21. They are adept at finding the good in people and situations, if possible.
  22. They have done any needed personal work around family of origin wounds, traumas or other historical pain points.


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