Wednesday 27 June 2018

5 Easy Ways to Build an Unbreakable Bond with Your Child

5 Easy Ways to Build an Unbreakable Bond with Your Child

Once your child comes of age for school, we as a parent get a little eased up on our responsibilities. We begin to give more attention to other things in life such as work and social activities. What we don’t realize is that we are creating a distance between our children and ourselves.

Often our marital problems cause our children to get distant from us. Happy married life is the key to holding the family together and building a good environment for children. There are more ways through which you can build an unbreakable bond with your child.

If you find it hard to take time out for your child, fret not! Here are some quick and effective tips for you to connect and bond with your little one:

1. Bedtime reading

Make sure you and your partner spend at least 10 minutes with your child before you go to your own room. Sit or cuddle the child while your partner reads a bedtime story to the little one. Doing so every night does not only help develop a connection but also improves your child’s language and helps him learn.

2. Make weekends special

Spending the weekend in a special manner with your child can improve the bond and overall family atmosphere. It is okay if you want to spend the weekend at home.

You can play games with your child at home, prepare a fancy meal or keep a trampoline at home for such weekends. You can also take them out for ice-cream after dinner.

Spending more time together means more talking, more cuddles, more eye-contact and ultimately more comfortable.

Spending the weekend in a special manner with your child can improve the bond

3. Be a good listener

Being a good listener and just hearing your kids out are two different things. We are often in a hurry or too busy to listen to our kids actively. Even if we hear them out, we do not respond to our child in a way that comforts him.

Start listening to your child actively. It will give them the assurance that you are there for them and also the confidence to open up to you.

4. Ask for their hand in chores

By asking for your child’s hand in chores, you give them a message that you count on them. It helps improve the bond greatly when you communicate and work in synchronization with your little one.

You can ask for their suggestions in table-setting and meal preparation. It will boost their self-confidence and the capability to make decisions.

By asking for your child’s hand in chores, you give them a message that you count on them

5. Take a walk with them

Walking with your little one outside is the best way to relax and connect with your child. Make them your partner in morning walks. The environmental change, fresh air and nature help relax the tensed muscles and you are able to talk more comfortably with the other person.

Share your childhood stories with them and ask them about their friends without sounding too inquisitive. It also helps you to keep a track of their activities and to guide them in the right direction.

Walking with your little one outside is the best way to relax and connect with your child

Wrapping up

Making such small efforts for your child’s happiness can bring him closer to both you and your spouse.

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