Wednesday 6 June 2018

Does Parental Divorce Have an Effect on a Child’s Education?

Does Parental Divorce Have an Effect on a Child's Education?

Kids suffer from unprecedented emotional harm after divorce. The school year doesn’t even go too far before teachers recognize the divorce symptoms as they reflect on the child’s performance while in class. With no knowledge of what’s happening in their students’ personal lives, teachers easily notice signs which alert them to the issue.

Although these challenges may befall children of any family, they are quite rampant when it comes to kids of divorced parents. Socrates Gorgias once raised a crucial issue when he asked, “Will the soundness of the soul cause disorder or certain proportion and order?” Well, here we want to answer him by stating that the emotional life of any child goes through strain and stress after divorce. Now, let’s go deeper into some of these harmful effects!

Reduced concentration span

Kids have a tough time trying to concentrate on their academics with diligence and attention. They experience deep conflict during parental divorce which gives them a sense of instability and insecurity. Without harmony, order, and peace in their homes, such students are unable to give their studies the attention it deserves.

In most cases, the fears, anxiety, and anger of their parents end up visiting the children too. So, just like sickness limits the academic achievement of a student, mental turmoil comes with a tough challenge that prevents kids from learning correctly. Also, remember that the mind of any child requires serenity and composure to memorize, reflect, think and master content.

G.K Chesterton, an expert in the field of learning, observed that “50 percent of the education process happens in the ‘atmosphere.’” A relaxed and quiet environment creates the perfect conditions for learning and concentration!

Reduced concentration span

Children generally feel unhappy about studies

Education needs kids to be joyful and have a rich sense of wonder, plus the love for life. Sadly, divorce destroys a child’s source of delight and imposes on them too much sadness. Divorce affects the child’s spirit and empties it of excitement, energy, and enthusiasm.

In many cases, the teacher notices a listlessness, apathy, and passivity in the students who do small tasks, show no determination or willingness to learn. Such is because a secure family setting during parental divorce exerts a loving influence on the child, motivates, and inspires them to do the best.

Kids appear disorganized and disoriented

Here, the first signs that the teacher will notice is when homework is not done, essays fail to meet deadlines, and of course, being late for class. Also, procrastination and tardiness appear in several forms. Just like Plato and Socrates teach, “If there’s no order in one’s soul, a person’s life lacks self-discipline and control.”

Since the child often stays in two homes, he or she has to adapt to two separate sets of standards and customs. Eventually, he or she fails to gain an actual sense of expectation that’s mostly got from parents who are living in the same place and follow the same teachings and ideals.

Such a state of mind comes with a false sense of apathy or sloth as well as a “don’t care” attitude. Whether he or she succeeds or fails has no importance if one of the parents is missing from his or her life. So, basically, the child of a failed marriage lacks willpower, idealism, and motivation.

Kids appear disorganized and disoriented

Divorced couples deciding who should pay the educational fees

One of the toughest challenges, which generally face divorced couples, is deciding on the person who should pay for the child’s college fees. In many situations, the parties end up going to court to decide on who should take custody of all, if not most of these responsibilities.

While such wrangles continue to happen in the courtroom, the child’s education continues to worsen. You’ll even find that in some situations, a child is unable to attend school. Luckily, such cases end up being rectified. Eventually, there’s nothing that can replace the lost time. Our advice to parents seeking divorce is to make prior preparations financially before finally separating.

Low self-esteem of the child

Children of divorced parents have a hard time trying to understand the concept of divorce. Any angry child would ask, “Who invented divorce?” What this does to a young student is giving him or her a false sense of belonging, undernourished emotionally, and deprived of love and affection. In the end, they end up performing poorly in their studies.


While divorce often seems like the most straightforward approach to solving family conflicts, it comes with adverse effects especially on the lives of young students. It destroys their concentration, and passion for learning. On the other hand, a child with a strong family foundation has a more comfortable and prosperous time in school.

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