Wednesday 31 October 2018

7 Important Tips for Writing an Amazing Love Letter

Important Tips for Writing an Amazing Love Letter

It’s a cliche to say that writing love letters are a lost art. Unfortunately, it’s also true. Romantic communication has been reduced to Instagram ready gestures. This is a shame because nothing quite does the job declaring love and desire the way that a love letter can.

A love letter can be an expression of sweet affection between two people that have been together for decades.

It can keep things hot and heavy between two long-distance lovers. it can add spice to a relationship that’s turned boring.  

You would think that people would be willing to write something that has so many romantic benefits. But fear may have something to do with people not attempting it. Nobody wants to write a love letter that flops. They certainly don’t want to be ridiculed for it, obviously that would be mortifying.

There is good news. Anyone can write a love letter. It just takes sincere feelings, a bit of planning, and these seven tips.

1. Ditch the devices

If you’re going to put yourself out there, and really share your feelings, this is no time for an email or text. If you have nice handwriting, please use it and write an amazing love letter. If not, at least type it at and print it out.

Create a keepsake, not something the next bit of malware can wipe away.

Amanda Sparks, a blogger at TopDownWriter suggest: “To make your love letter even more romantic, use some really nice stationery. Something with a nice color, or even a subtle pattern would work well here. You can even do something really old fashioned and spritz it with your lover’s favorite cologne or a drop or two of scented oil.”

2. Show you care by showing that you notice and remember

Forget generic missives about love and how much someone means to you. Those are the things that anybody could say to anybody else. Instead, focus on showing that you pay attention, and that you remember special things that are just between the two of you.

For example, instead of writing, ‘I love you, and you mean the world to me’, write about a specific memory, or a personality trait in them that you find endearing. People love to be ‘seen’ and appreciated.

3. Make sure your love letter has a purpose

Make sure your love letter has a purpose

One way that love letters can go bad is when they ramble on without any real point. Remember that this is a love letter, not a romantic stream of consciousness. Before you start writing, know what you want to communicate.

Maybe you want to get your partner in the mood for a romantic encounter. Maybe you just want them to feel uplifted and appreciated during a hard time. Whatever you pick is fine. It just helps to have a focal point.

4. It’s okay to be funny

Anyone who says that humor cannot be sexy is dead wrong.

Often times, the best romantic memories we have are tinged with humor.

What couple doesn’t have a disastrous date story, or a funny anecdote or two? Even better, who isn’t uplifted by humor?

Of course, humor isn’t something you should force or fake. Still, if your relationship thrives on making one another laugh, don’t be afraid to use that in a love letter.

5. Take the time to do it right

No, nobody is going to grade you on your romantic letter.

That said, why not take the time to really polish your letter, especially if you’re really trying to impress someone special. Did you know that there are companies that will write letters for you. Most will also proofread and edit your letter so that it really expresses your true feelings. Check out:

  • Grammarly – Use this online grammar checking tool to make sure your writing hits all the right notes.
  • – If you need someone to proofread or edit your love letter, this is one place to call.
  • Letters Library – Just like the name says, this is a library of example letters on a variety of topics. What a great place to get inspired.
  • TopAustraliaWriters- If your writing is rusty, check out the writing samples here for extra help.
  • GoodReads – Find some great books to read here for romantic inspiration. You might even find a romantic line or two that you can use.

6. Be yourself

The best romantic letter will come from you, not some overly romanticized version of yourself. Write from the heart and show your personality. Your letter should sound natural. Try writing the way that you speak so that it’s truly unique to you.

7. It’s okay to borrow from others

What do you do if you can’t find the words to write? Well, you can borrow some from another writer!

Don’t be afraid to use quotes from romantic movies or books.  You can even try a song lyric or two. Pick up a book of romantic poetry, and see what speaks to you. You can also check out writing samples from, Canada-writers or for instructions.

It’s time to impress your love! Get them primed up for romance with a beautifully written letter using the seven tips above.

The post 7 Important Tips for Writing an Amazing Love Letter appeared first on Blog.

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1 comment:

  1. So bummed that the INK app has not released a Docs plugin like Grammarly but their wp plugin is helpful. I don't have to take the extra step of copying paste text with either but the Ink for All program assists with SEO, that's why it's more useful:
