Wednesday 23 May 2018

How do I [25F] deal with my friend’s [29M] increasingly demanding girlfriend [25F]?

Hi everyone! I’ll try to keep it short. If you need more information I’m more than willing to give it.

I have a group of friends of about 8 people [24-35 M/F]. A couple years ago one of them met a girl and within a month they lived together. He seems to be happy with her but she has become increasingly difficult for us to deal with.

She seems very shy, introvert and awkward and not at all like she has fun when she’s hanging out with us. We’ve stopped coming to there place because we feel like an imposition when we’re there. But she keeps showing up at our meetings and keeps sighing loudly, looking the other way when you talk to her and sometimes she leaves the group to go sit on her own somwhere close to us. At first we thought she was just shy or had a difficult time in social situations. But after a couple of years it’s the same.. When she drinks she becomes really chatty, constantly interrups conversations, starts dancing wildly at inappropriate times. She also has a habit of latching onto me (verbally) and tries to keep me talking for hours.. in which she talks.. constantly..

Lately she started confronting us about not being good friend with her. Especially me and my boyfriend. She thinks we want to break them up and that we hate her. I don’t like her and I wish she’d leave me alone at parties, but I dont hate her and I’d want to break them up! Her boyfriend seems very happy with her, for some reason.. The last week things started getting out of hand. We were hanging out at one of our friends places. And she would Not leave me alone at a party and kept me talking for literally 4 hours!! She accused me of hating her, wanting to break her and her boyfriend up, guilt tripping me about things I said over a year ago, twisting those words, insulting me in the progres.

I am not a person who’s good in a conflict. I try to be nice, I try to be friendly, resolve things, explain myself.. but after 4 hours of trying to resolve this, telling her I would like it if we could hang out like normal people, not be (best)friends, but being oke with eachother.. she said she doesn’t trust me, that I never tried to help her and said I really need to make an effort in the future. Even though she doesn’t believe we can be friends.. I kinda flipped in my own subtle and friendly manner. I told her to stop talking, she didn’t, I got up and walked away.

Both our boyfriends were there and since they work together they have a lot of time to talk about it. My boyfriend is very upset with the situation.. as is her boyfriend.. but they both have no idea how to make her behaviour stop. Our friend does not seem to plan on leaving her anytime soon. So I’m afraid I’m stuck with her for a while.

How the fuck do I deal with this person? She is mean, manipulative, doesn’t respect boundaries and is hurtful. And she keeps.. showing.. up..!! I know I’m too nice.. but how do I deal with this? What do I say? It would help me to know what YOU would say in this situation, what words would you use?

a/*bolded TL;DR: my friends girlfriend is increasingly demanding and doesn’t leave me alone at get togethers. She harasses me about putting more effort into our friendship. How do I deal with this person!?

submitted by /u/Throwheraway025
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from Relationships

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