Wednesday 23 May 2018

My (25f) husband's (27m) hyperhydrosis is putting a dampener on our relationship (badumtish)

We've been together 5 years, married 2.

So, as the title; my husband has hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating) and I'm really struggling with it. Has anyone ever seen Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog? My husband is basically Moist.

It doesn't happen all the time, but if he gets a bit warm; BAM, he Releases The Sweat. And being near me gets him too warm. I can't cuddle him on the couch while watching a movie, we can't cuddle in bed. Sex is, well, slippery. And not from me. He's got a good sense of humor about it, but I can tell it's frustrating him as well.

I recognize that he can't do much about this, and this is mostly my issue but it's really getting to me. I'm starting to genuinely feel aversion to sex with him because the sweat will physically pour off him, and if he's on top it will drip on my face. Our sex towel isn't to avoid the wet spot. It's for him to have to pause, wipe himself down and my god, it just destroys any romance in the moment. Again, this is MY issue. Post-sex cuddling is completely off the table. Afterwards his body will kind of drain every bit of moisture out of his skin for 30-45 minutes.

I'm also just SO tired of having to change our sheets every 2-3 days, daily during summer. Any less and his night sweats make our bedroom smell horrific. Speaking of, his sweat will quite literally soak everything he touches. If he rolls over to cuddle me in the night (like any normal, loving relationship) I get a rude awakening when I realize I'm soaked to the skin. There will be a husband-shaped body outline on the sheets.

I know this is a minor issue compared to what usually happens here but I'm really starting to get frustrated with just the little mechanics of the relationship. If we're flying I'm terrified the seats are going to be too close together and half of me will be marinaded in husband sweat. I'm genuinely starting to feel kind of "skin hungry?" because we can only cuddle for about 5-10 minutes maximum before it becomes unbearable. And that's not really enough. I love this man so much, and I just want to cuddle him and not have to immediately shower afterwards.

Things we've tried; air con (still sweats), fan blasting directly at him (still sweaty), body powders (just kind of creates a paste. Very not fun during sex, not our kink), remaining clothed (he'll sweat through both his and my clothes), "wicking"clothing (still the same problem), head-to-toe application of strong antiperspirant (gave me an asthma attack). We also live in a fairly temperate climate, famous for being cold & raining a lot, we've only been in a hot climate together once and it was just a nightmare; he was a swamp monster for the entire time and he was utterly miserable.

TLDR; My husband's excessive sweating is making it difficult to be intimate, does anyone have any advice/suggestions for things we can try so that we can cuddle for more than 10 minutes at a time?

submitted by /u/sweatyhetty
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