Wednesday 23 May 2018

My(27f) boyfriend(28m) has gone MIA and seemingly blocked me on social media and maybe on his phone with no cause whatsoever. What do I do?

I’ve been dating an introvert for the last two months. We had a rough patch a week ago, during which we opened up fully with one another and really opened up about what we wanted in a relationship and what we felt about one another. We spoke last on Sunday night, and then as of tonight( Tuesday) I realize that he’s blocked me on Facebook, and maybe on his phone. Nothing at all gave me any idea as to why he would do this, after we just spent an amazing Wednesday- Sunday together. I EXPECTED him to want space and I’m fully in support of that, but blocking me on social media and on the phone goes so far beyond that, especially when we end every night on the phone together to say good night. It’s completely out of character for him. He’s always communicated before anytime he’s wanted some space or time to process things.

For goodness’ sake, he wants me to come visit him in Virginia for the whole of Memorial Day weekend. So what in the world is going on?

He’s planning to move from his small college town to begin an apprenticeship in my city. (coincidental to us beginning to date, I told him I didn’t want to be the primary reason he moved here and assured me I wasn’t) in July after his lease is up. He is going through a lot of changes that to me, he’s seemed excited about moving to a larger town and beginning a new phase of his life.

He’s admitted to being afraid of commitment before, which is what lead to us having a long, long talk about being open if he felt rushed or like things were too serious too quickly; we had this discussion Mother’s Day weekend, so barely a week before he came back to visit me and stay with me from Wednesday to Sunday.

This past weekend there wasn’t anything that gave me cause to ever expect this from him- ever. He’s so good at responding once he’s had time to think through what he wants to say, and I don’t think he’s ever blocked me before. I pampered him a bit this weekend before letting him take care of me Saturday evening after I moved my mom all day long while he hung out with friends in my local city. There was no precipitating fight, no behavior changes, so I’m both floored and worried about him.

I know this is a last ditch effort; but does anyone have any idea as to why this would occur? We’re 27/28, there’s no reason for him to break up with me by blocking me. I’m so lost and confused. I understand he’s an introvert and I’m the definition of an extrovert. However a lot of my friends are introverts and I understand the need for space and to recharge on their own a lot of the time before they want to engage again. I expected us to both have some distance for a few days, but when I went to post something funny on his Facebook and I couldn’t find him at all, I got worried. When my friends could find him, and my calls went straight to voicemail without the phone ringing once, I became confused. My larger issues;

What do I do now? If this is a normal reaction for an introvert when they need to recharge, how can I express best that this hurts me and feels pointed directly at me; I don’t know how else to take it but personally.

I want to point out, we’re not casually dating, he’s my boyfriend. I say that only to point out, I’ve been ghosted like we all have, and would laugh at this if it was someone casual.( maybe not immediately, but in a few weeks.) I have met his friends, he wanted me to come to the beach with them the first week of June. They’re my friends on Facebook now as well; He has ties to me other than just texting or going on one or two dates that should, I guess make it difficult to ghost someone(???) I don’t understand how this reaction could pop up after we just spoke about what happens when he feels rushed, and we’re both extremely open and honest about what we wanted. Thank you all in advance.

TL;DR- introvert boyfriend spent last weekend here, and haven’t heard from him for last two days. Have come to find I’m blocked on his Facebook and maybe on his phone. What do?

submitted by /u/eWoods115
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from Relationships

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