Wednesday 23 May 2018

Juat found out tonight that my girlfriend [38F] has been cheating on me [34M] with another guy and just told me last week she is pregnant. Not sure how to process or what to do.

So, I've had this unfortunate gut feeling that she was still talking to this guy that she was seeing when her and I were just friends 2ith benefits and I knew she was with him as well. I came out and told her how I really felt about her and that I truly love her. Well, she ended up telling me that she loves me too and wants to be with me. So we it Facebook official and we've been together since the first of this month.

Now, keep in mind her and I have even having unprotected sex and she has with him too I'm sure. Well, she ended up telling me that she is gonna tell him they can't see each other anymore and that she really loves me and wants me. I've had this bad feeling ever since that she has been with him and still seeing him.

So tonight, I ended up grabbing her phone while she was asleep and looked through her messages with this other guy. Sure enough, he's been sending her dick pics and she's been saying how hot they are and how hot he is and even telling him she loves him.

I'm not sure how to proceed. I know going through someone's phone is totally wrong, but I just felt like I had to and not sure how to confront her about it since I did go though her phone. I just need some serious advice because there is this baby that could be mine or this other guy. I will say this, if this baby is mine I'm taking care of it still regardless because I refuse to ever be a bad father.

TL;DR My girlfriend is cheating on me with a guy she was seeing while we were friends, found out about it by going through her phone and is pregnant and not sure what to do.

submitted by /u/SonicTheHedgeHogwash
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