Tuesday 22 May 2018

My (29) GF(27) asks too many questions and its driving me insane.

I need to rant/confess so if this is not that right sub for it sorry. My girlfriend is just one of those people that asks questions about EVERYTHING and its driving me insane. A recent example would be earlier I was texting her that my coworkers were talking about disney trips and she responded "oh are you going to disney?" I said no and she asked "so why are you talking about disney trips?" I explained someone was talking about going to Disney world. To which she then replied "oh, so all your coworkers are going to Disney soon?" I basically lost my cool with her at that point and told her that she needs to use basic thinking skills and that I was done talking with her for the day. I know it was an extreme overreaction to this scenario, but she does this all the time with everything. "Who's that? What's that thing? How does Santa fit down the chimney?" I love her and all but the questions are getting to me and it's not like she's an airhead. She has her masters and is currently looking into PhD programs for mental health! She also stated in the beginning of our relationship that she was known for asking a lot of questions. Her co workers often poke fun at how detailed they have to make their emails for her so she won't reply back with a million questions.

tl;dr My gf asks too many questions and it's annoying me.

submitted by /u/SoberForNow
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