Wednesday 23 May 2018

My boyfriend [21M] dislikes animals. I [19F] live on an animal sanctuary. He's coming to my home for the first time..

So when my boyfriend and I met, we bonded over bringing his sister's puppy for walks. I quickly realised that he is more tolerant of his sister's dog than actually fond of her, which I don't mind because not everybody is an animal person!

On the contrary, my family and I absolutely adore animals. We work very closely (in our spare time) with an animal sanctuary owned by our friends, and we have a small sanctuary ourselves, basically in our house and on our land. We don't have a ton of animals at the moment - four of our animals are permanently here and our's. The rest are usually rescued abused animals, strays, starved animals and also wild animals that have broken legs/wings - those animals only stay as long as it takes for them to heal and then we let them go of course. My mum is in charge of all the broken bone animals because she understands how to set broken wings etc, and she works closely with our local vet.

So our home is a doggy, kitty, birdy, donkey (and as of last week, goaty) paradise - and I know my boyfriend will be freaking out internally when he comes to stay for the first time next weekend!! He's also going to freak because our bat nursery is just outside the window of the spare bedroom and some people can be afraid of bats. Agh I feel like this might end up being a bit of a nightmare.

Is there anything I can do that will help settle him and make him feel more at home with all these animals around? I've always been naturally drawn to people who are big into nature and animals, so I don't know how he'll take it?! He's a city guy at heart and I know he absolutely loves living in a busy area. I live outside the city in a woodland area. There's deer and frogs and rabbits all over our garden and land and I feel like he's going to absolutely hate it and I'm really worried. But I also think it's important he meet my parents properly! We've been dating for 8 months and he's only met them briefly, once, whereas I've met him family about twice or three times a week since we began dating! (I live in the city during the university year to make it easier).

I see how stressed out and pissed off he gets around one dog, so I feel like the weekend away will make him stressed times 100 ..

Tl;dr - how can I make my boyfriend, who dislikes animals, feel at home when he's surrounded by animals?!

submitted by /u/unicorntearsandwine
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