Tuesday 22 May 2018

She [30s F] is mad I [25 F] lectured her kids about stealing.

I threw a party at my house recently and invited some college friends and some coworkers I'm friends with. Almost none of my friends have kids so I didn't think to specify the party was adults only.

One of the people I invited was Alyssa. I don't know her too well, but she's close friends with one of my work friends so I thought it would be nice to invite her.

We hung out in my backyard and had a bonfire and a lot to drink, and partway through, my coworker Alyssa showed up with her 3 kids. I didn't want to kick her out though, so I told her to make sure she kept a good eye on her kids, I hadn't intended this to be a family event, so there was an open bonfire and a lot of alcohol around.

I kept drinking and hanging out with other people, then I went inside to pee. And I saw the tablet I use for recipes in the kitchen was missing from my counter.

I went back outside and after a while I saw Alyssa's 3 kids hiding by the woods with my tablet. I walked over and asked them if their mom knew they had it, and the oldest said no.

I sat them down and gave them a lecture about how taking something without asking is stealing, and stealing is wrong. I asked them what their favorite toys were, and asked how they would feel if they came home to see their toys were missing.

I was drunk for this so I don't know how well I articulated everything.

Afterwards I took the tablet back inside and put it in my bedroom, and went back to the party, pretty quickly forgetting about it all.

I woke up the next morning to an angry text from Alyssa, saying "I'm disgusted by you yesterday, lecturing MY kids without even speaking to me first, assuming you knew what was going on, and what needed to be said better than their own mother. They came to me crying about what you said and wanting to leave early, and I know you were in no shape to handle things maturely, you were extremely drunk."

I don't know how to respond.

If it was anyone but a coworker, I'd say that I stood by what I said, and it was wrong of her to bring her kids uninvited especially if she had any idea they'd steal stuff to play with.

But I feel like this would stir up a lot of drama at work.

Should I just apologize and not invite her over again? Or stand by what I did?

Tldr - My coworkers kids took my tablet without asking at a party she brought them to though it was not good for kids

submitted by /u/Rhankkys
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