Wednesday 23 May 2018

I [28f] am pretty convinced I have “supernatural” experiences regularly. My fiancé [29m] who I’ve been with for 5 years makes fun of me for believing in what I feel I see and and experience.

So on my honor I swear this isn’t a troll job or some attempt to inflame a debate about ghosts and aliens. In fact I’m not even going to go into details about my experiences because it’s my fiancé’s reaction (and my reaction to his reaction) are what are important. I’m not even 100% convinced but if I were to put a statistic on it, I’d say 75% chance that the events I experience on a near weekly basis are real, physical, in this world experiences.

The issue is with my fiancé, who for the most part is a great guy. We have other issues of course but for the most part we do a great job of working things out. He’s very attentive, sweet, faithful and funny.

This is our “big one” that we can’t seem to find common ground on. For example I’ll have one of my encounters and they are truly terrifying (think a very intense nightmare that you can’t escape) and I will return and be screaming crying, covered in sweat and sometimes be so affected that I’ll throw up. At first my fiancé was very concerned for me but as we got deeper into the relationship and I felt comfortable saying it was more than nightmares, at first he was skeptical and that grew into very cruel derision. He’s explained to me that he feels at best I’m having intense dreams at worst my active imagination is running away from itself. Even worse than that is when he told me that “you’re gunning for attention because your dad was such a jerk” as if I’m still an overly dramatic teen with Trichotillomania. Whats even worse lately is he has starred using derisive “cartoonish” phrases like “did Maz Kanata show up we our bedside last night?” As I’m in a sweating, hyperventilating near panic attack.

I don’t care if he doesn’t believe me, most people won’t. But I care that he doesn’t respect me so there a very hard line to walk here.

My questions are these; how do I accept that my fiancé doesn’t accept a major facet of my life?

And: how do I get him to respect my reality and not be derisive?

tl;dr: I have regular supernatural expereinces and my fiancé doesn’t believe me. It’s fine if it were a respectful disagreement but he takes disbelief into derision and making fun of me. How do we resolve this?

submitted by /u/Pranfem
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from Relationships

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