Wednesday 23 May 2018

My [23F] BF [30M] yelled at me for asking him what he meant when he said "I want to talk to you"

My boyfriend and I have been dating for about five months, and at first it was great. For about two months there was no issues. Then, he started getting madder and madder at me for things that I didn't even know that I was doing. One of these things is "doing what I want." For example, he told me something offensive about seeing other women two weeks ago, that really hurt my feelings and I said "why would you say that to me? Really? I'm your girlfriend!" He then proceeded to ignore me, at my own home, for two days and when I tried to speak to him yelled at me. When I started crying, he told me to stfu, and that I just do what I want without considering him. I was a wreck for all last week.

Now, after last night which was wonderful and he had woke up and told me he loved me this morning, he proceeded to call me and say "I need to talk to you this weekend, but if you ask me about what I wont talk to you for a week." This of course freaked me out, and I said "well can you at least tell me if it's good or bad? are you going to break up with me?" He then proceeds to yell at me and tell me that I fucked up, proceeded to tell me "You're just doing what you want again. You're a spoiled brat. You can go live in your own world and do what you want there. Leave me the f alone."

I have no idea what to do. I really want to be with him and I want this to work, but I can't deal with the hot and cold anymore. It's given me extreme anxiety and I have lost a lot of weight in the last two weeks. I know that he loves me, or as he said he did, but because of my anxiety (from him) he also knows that I am sensitive to being told things like that. I feel like he almost enjoys holding things over me and making me feel like I cant speak out against him or tell him my feelings without him getting angry. But it's strange because he is so nice to me the rest of the time, but when he is angry it leaves me a total disaster. I want to fix our relationship but it seems like he is just going to continue being mad, is there anything I can do or should I just leave?

tl;dr my boyfriend constantly gets angry at me for very small things and holds grudges/threats of breaking up over for me for expressing my opinion

submitted by /u/SureMarzipan
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