Wednesday 23 May 2018

My brother in law (33) has been cheating on my sister (33) for 15 years with multiple women. What would you say to him if you were me?

Here are some fast facts.

1) I am pretty close to my brother in law. Or at least, I thought I was. I see him almost everyday at work, play on a sports team with him, and have accepted him as family.

2) My sister and him have been together for 15 years. Married for the last 5. They have two kids together, one that is three and one that is one year old.

3) Out of nowhere, he admitted to her that he’s been cheating on her for the last 15 years with random women.

For those last 15 years, he has come across as the perfect husband and father. They get along well, they have inside jokes, they go on vacations..... she did not see this coming. He is basically a sociopath and was living a double life. He has now made it fairly clear that he wants a separation and is moving out.

So, /r/relationships, if you were me, and you had one opportunity to send the perfectly concocted text to him - what would you say? My sister has told me I can say what I want to him. I also feel like if I don’t say something I will forever regret it. My goals are to make him feel like the worthless piece of shit he is and hit him where it hurts. Please provide your input.

Another note- I won’t be seeing him much after this. Yes, he will be connected to my sister (because kids), but I plan to get another job and he won’t be on my sports team any more.

TL;DR: My brother in law cheated on my sister (his wife and mother to two of his children) for 15 years. If you were me, what would your text say to him?

submitted by /u/areyoukiddingme523
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from Relationships

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