Wednesday 23 May 2018

I (17 F) have a choice of leaving home school and going back to my old high school for senior year. I cannot decide what to choose.

I am a 17 year old outgoing, introvert. I used to go to a normal high school for my freshman and half of sophomore year but certain things happened. It started in the middle of sophomore year. Long story short: I had sex with a guy. Parents found out. I was sent to live in another state. Guy told everyone in my high school all the things that we did. All.

While I was in another state, I got so many messages asking about how him and I had sex and whatnot. I didn’t deny any of it.

After finishing my sophomore year in another state, I came back home and did homeschool for my junior year. My parents are now giving me the opportunity to go back to my high school for senior year. But I can’t decide which to do.

  1. I’m a changed person, I’m actually not sure how I’d react to so many people in a school. I’m still outgoing but I just stay in my shell too most of the time. From sophomore year to now, I know I’ve grown so much quieter. But at the same time, it’s comfortable.

  2. My boyfriend is not in high school and we have a lot of time to hang out during normal high school hours. (My home school just requires you to do your assignments).

I have a lot of pros for home school. But I don’t love it. I’m missing out on prom, having a social life (I really have 1 friend, not counting my boyfriend), I won’t graduate with people I know, I won’t be able to attend clubs (I love doing that), I won’t be able to go to homecoming, and have those highschool memories.

But, a lot of people know about the rumors and I’m just so self conscious about everyone knowing that. I really, really hate it so much.

I’m comfortable with where I’m at, I’m just sad I’m missing out and not having any friends (like I used to when I was in highschool) . Please don’t lecture me on why having sex was stupid and how my parents are right for sending me away, I’ve been told so many times. What should I do? Which would you choose? Am I thinking too much about it? Are those ‘years’ overrated?

TLDR: Had sex with a guy in highschool, parents put me in homeschool, rumors spread and I hate it so much. On the other hand, I want to go back and enjoy those years. I’m stuck on this decision.

EDIT: Homeschool: Highschool classes at home Highschool: Actual school to go to

EDIT #2: Parents sent me to homeschool because they’re over protective (fun fact: after my dad found out I wasn’t a virgin, he cried. I just find it funny ?). The people who run the actual high school don’t care at al. Also, there’s no other highschool to go to since I live a bit too far.

submitted by /u/killeroftherose
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from Relationships

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