Tuesday 22 May 2018

Me [22 F] with my boyfriend [23 M] of 3 years breaking up and he can't handle it.

I've decided to end things with my boyfriend because I just want to be on my own and do my own thing for a bit. I'm moving back home to attend a graduate school after recently graduating from college this semester. He was planning on coming with me and we were going to get an apartment together (we currently live together, as well).

I just have this gut feeling that this isn't the right move. I've been feeling this way for a while now, too. I've just always had in the back of my head that this relationship isn't the one I want to be in for the rest of my life. We're also young and I am his first girlfriend, so he needs a little bit more, I think. My parents also agree with it not being the right move, and they play a part in my life.

Last night, I told him that I wanted to take a break and move back home and take some time to myself and just do me for a little. He hates this idea. He keeps begging me and badgering me about getting a place and that we can fix this and stuff when I really just want to move on. I just find it so difficult to just flat out say "this is over."

He has also mentioned that he could just live on his own out there while I live at home. I don't think that's the best idea for him because it's a new place for him where he doesn't know anybody and has no job. It also makes me feel responsible for him because I'm the only one he's going to have out there. It also defeats the purpose of me going home and taking a break from him since he's still going to be around.

He's super in love with me and I don't think I love him as much anymore. I just kind of grew out of it and am ready to move on. I also feel bad for hurting his feelings because he's going to take this very hard. He's also consistently badgering me every time I'm home and it's honestly so frustrating that I can't take it anymore. And what do I do if he moves to my town against my wishes?

TL;DR! - I want to get away from my boyfriend but feel bad hurting his feelings. I also feel like I can't get away because he wants to follow me home. Not sure how to approach the situation anymore.

submitted by /u/tata10201
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from Relationships https://ift.tt/2LmhjID

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