Wednesday 23 May 2018

My [45F] daughter [16F] was caught shoplifting and is now suffering consequences. I'm just here wondering when did things go wrong.

My daughter was caught shoplifting with one of her friends. She was stealing liquor and was caught by the security guard. She also resisted the arrest and was given 6 months probation, detention in school on Saturdays, was told to pay restitution and was ejected from the volley ball team. It is still unclear if she will lose a scholarship but it is possible.

She has a curfew and is not allowed to go out unless for the purposes of the penalties.

It's been one month and she's now behaving worse than she was before the incident. Talks back, throws stuff at her sister when they get into arguments, tries to get into fights with boys and girls who mention the whole thing, and other things.

She had been impulsive before but no signs of criminal behavior. She has been, for example, in fights in school, but all the time it's been clear that it was started by someone else and she reacted. Of course, her reactions were outrageous sometimes, others she was attacked first.

She still hasn't showed regret and just seems upset that she was caught.

I am just here sitting in my bed, wondering what happened? What went wrong? How did it get to this point? And, what are we supposed to do from now on?

tl;dr: Daughter was caught shoplifting with a friend. Has probation and was expelled from the volley ball team. I have no idea how things got to this point and wonder I should do from now on. Help?

submitted by /u/ActualWindow
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from Relationships

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